A Pile of Hamburger Trash

I feel about Nickelback the same way I feel about Oprah. I could ignore them if it weren't for all their dumbass fans.

After the guy who hated "Tears in Heaven" this feature should have been shut down. I mean, it can't get any more hatey than that.

Well, that's just fucking awesome.

I guess I'm one of the few people who liked all of Season 2. It managed, for a while, to be about something other than constant zombie attacks.

I felt like Pharoah was purposely doing a take on Eddie Murphy's barber. It was an impression of an impression (of sorts).

I don't know. As much as I didn't care for the Governor storyline last season, at least it gave the show something to do besides stage zombie attacks and find new ways for Rick to melodramatically wave his gun around to signal that he's dealing with what it means to be human in a zombie apocalypse. I mean, we're back

The better question is: When did that helicopter crash? Surely not recently, and wouldn't those walkers, having been constantly exposed to the elements, be pretty much skeletons by now? But not that it matters much. It was one of the better walker attack sequences in recent show memory.

Yeah, @avclub-560cc70f255b94b8408709e810914593:disqus , the sound he found is what does it to me.

Really nice to see this. If anybody's curious about them based on this song, Reconstruction Site is, in my opinion, the best place to start. Then go backwards and forwards from there. If such a list existed, it would be in my Top 5 of the '00s.

I'm embarrassed to say this, considering the song is about a cat, but it's so sad I can't bear to listen to it again. I skip it every time I listen to that album.

In which He-Man and Teela finally get it on, albeit in a very dark and vaguely disturbing way. And also, Orko's head explodes.

The "O" on his chest is a VAGINA. In the language of his people it's the symbol for "hope."

There is no chance this movie will be anything other than a giant, Mattel-shaped turd. But you can bet your ass I'll be there on opening night ready to choke it down.

Not to typecast the guy, but: Tom Hardy.

Kneel on Degrasse, Tyson.

A.V. Club

Re your first paragraph, I was surprised (shocked, maybe) when my mother, somewhere in the middle of watching Season 4, made the comment that everyone who Walt had killed up to that point was necessary and out of self-defense/preservation. Technically, she was right. But when I brought up Gale, she even defended that.

Not that this necessarily contradicts what you're saying, but there is a Season 4 episode where Walt is in the Dr.'s office awaiting treatment, and a young patient makes the comment about God laughing at man's plans. Walt responds by saying, "That is…such bullshit." And goes on to explain how he's in charge of his

He did play a meth head in "Cornered."

"His antagonist wasn't the neo-Nazis, it was himself." Spot on. I've seen a few vague complaints on the comment threads recently about Uncle Jack's gang being the primary protagonist when they were brought in so late in the show. We have to remember that Walt involved Uncle Jack in this in order to "take care of" what