Ghost Chili Enema Medicine

Through the 00s I could be heard to defend Cruise. I'm generally convinced that Foucault is right about us, and all the panopticon shit, all the religious intolerance—it grossed me out. As a mystic, I feel everyone's working their own thang out with the universe, and I applaud their efforts; as a Catholic, I

I can't explain why but this comment fucking slew me. I'm still chuckling about it.

Yeah, he'd kick their asses, not seeing his complicity. I don't even think he thought of himself as 'Southern' (which he roaringly was) so much as 'decent.' His problem was that he was simple, and things like structural racism or tacit endorsement were invisible to him. He loved golf and neighborliness, hated bullies

I think a lot of men are redeemed by their love of their grandchildren. (Not to say that your grandfather needed redemption any more than we all do.)

My grandpa was a ferryman at Normandy. Dropped off soldiers, picked up wounded. He was a kind, good, dependable, courageous man and he ensured a future for me.

What I love about this is that tikki torches do nothing to repel mosquitoes, and these bozos marched with them at night…in the South…in the summer.

Totally. And I get it in the context of already boning. The pic is not so much 'hey hey remember THIS piece of magnificence?' as it is a synecdoche.

Oh my God I love this. I'm seeing a furtive peek at the cell phone right after he gets his shorts off. Juuuuuust to make sure.

Look at that guy. Look at his age. Then look at his tie. Wouldn't you think he'd be better off texting a pic of his credit card limit than a shot of a skinny little breakfast sausage wagging beneath a bowl of uncooked waffle batter?

Yes. It also results in, I'm just really confident in presuming, bone-dry vaginas. I mean my God. Dicks are *horrific* to behold, even to people that crave them. A couple of well-crafted lines of double entendre indicating one's deep desire and intent to worshipfully pleasure that ass would garner much hotter turn-on

The cartoon riff on Stewart is a fantastic character. GL has always been kinda dorky as a character concept, though. 'I'm as powerful or weak as the plot demands I mean as my mental focus dictates!'

I really loved sporting my SW love with nerd-defiant retro-chic as a teen: a stand-up cardboard Vader (procured for pennies from some dumb mall novelty shop) in the college apartment, adorned with a pimp hat and glasses; a battery-powered arm-motion Vader deployed in faux-rituals to 'decide' which competing ancient

I recommend letting go of what you think your 'tastes' are in this case and surfing the show until you can detect its rhythms and concerns. When we keep trying the mushroom hoping to like it, we're waiting for mushroom to find and hit our 'pleasure' button for us—but this is absurd. We have to come to the mushroom,

Can we talk about the Man In Black? I found him to be a perfect villain in The Gunslinger: menacing; possessed of information about the past, the future and our hero that we lack; and above all, mysterious in his motivation, except that it felt more complicated and personal than just 'do incredibly evil shit.'

Mysterious, crunchy, desolate, desperate, and nearly dialog-free. I used to dream of making a version with my friends in dead strip-malls and weedy housing projects—which wouldn't be one-to-one, but would capture the tone just fine.

Yeah. Because a weird, apocalyptic, unexplicated, hi-fidelity straight adaptation of The Gunslinger wouldn't have been FANTASTIC. And then we totally wouldn't have been clamoring for an equally straight-up Drawing of the Three sequel, with James Macavoy and Dominique Tipper.

This sounds like a worthy concern in search of a film to pick on. The article's attribution of 'bravery' to its white 'heroes' rather misses, you know, the entire story of the shellshocked, barely-human, frequently cowardly and compassionless soldiers we watch attempt to escape, and 'Brexiteer costume fantasy' is just

The stars of Hurt Locker and Maggie Marcy Mythic Moonpie whateverthehellit'scalled are dull now? What the fuck, dude. What is 'captivating naturalism' for you—Pacino in Heat?

I am going to violently defend The Strokes now. No, they didn't keep giving us the breakout sound they perfected the second they developed it, and no, their subsequent stuff isn't flawless, but I find the typical criticisms of them—that they were callow, and then ran out of steam—to be quite callow. Casablancas has

MotherFUCKER. And I'm having such a nice conversation with you about Twin Peaks. YOU TAKE THAT WANK BACK RIGHT NOW MISTER