Did my reply not post? I gave this a solid effort and I'm not seeing it.
Did my reply not post? I gave this a solid effort and I'm not seeing it.
Note: I have gotten murdered for saying so, and for decrying what I find to be a shitty, self-righteous pile-up on him, but finding the dude repellent does not justify stooping to the lazy-ass incurious tactics that we so despise the alt-right for deploying.
Actually, I think you should take those claims seriously. I've listened to the entire original radio show now, plus read all pertinent statements, and if you do the same I think you'd find that this whole thing is massively, oversensitively, purposefully misconstrued. It's like a Lifetime Achievement Award for…
I'm no Milo apologist. The man has a relatively consistent worldview, with enough undergirding, however suspect, to call for a thorough counterattack rather than a breezy mob stomping. It's the wide tendency in this thread toward the latter that triggered my charge of self-congratulations—and I take all the empty…
Really? Are the speech-cop hysterics never to end, then? Allow me, in that case, to discourage you from any UK vacations. Warren Ellis is pretty strong on the subject: a more vociferous and money-where-the-mouth-is feminist you're not likely to find, but to his ilk, 'cunt' isn't even a word, it's punctuation.
What do you suggest?
If by 'not as left,' you mean less inclined to freak the fuck out when I get called on stoning obvious cretins in a lazy, incurious fashion, then I'd like to think you're correct. And I'm not ridiculing everyone on this thread—just self-congratulatory pussies that pat each other on the back about how much they hate a…
I didn't say *he's* being especially more honest about it—though I'm sure he means what he says. I just mean that there are a few interesting kernels in this latest flap that seem worth capitalising on and interrogating with precision. One is that young gay men having older lovers is a lot more normal than many want…
Deep, bro. That national discourse isn't in your hands instead of his is a loss for us all.
I think throwing these grand mal scattergun hissyfits, with no care or aim or effort to disentangle the individual arguments of our foes, every time they disagree with us or do something we don't like diminishes our dignity, squanders our power, and encourages the alt-right to wave our dissent away. Scroll down 100…
I feel this is riotously unfair to the character and the actor. Fury the character has infused, from minute one, the whole MCU with: an urgency about developing threats, both unknown (aliens) and known (potentially the heroes themselves if they're not tasked to a purpose); a slightly sinister sense of an extreme long…
Is freaking out with joy about this not a thing? Did it not age well in the public eye? I play few games, but this and Witcher 3 top my list. It's the game I most want more of.
For sure. The vocals he had to change after his cords blew out after Justice. Thrash ferocity just ain't sustainable, and without that style he doesn't have an Anselmo-grade range to fall back on. Lyrics? Can't sustain your aristeia forever. Group sourced lyrics, getting older and more personal, losing youthful…
I don't buy it. Physics doesn't obey trends, and the physics of that song say to me that even Grey, B-Side, Cute-That-You're-Still-Trying Metallica kicks the balls out of nearly anything I'm hearing since.
I get that they committed the Three Cardinal Band Sins, being
1. Being so unprogressive as to dislike being stolen from;
2. Trying to evolve musically without successes that matched their towering peak; and
3. Getting old,
but Lord amighty the bitching and negativity here are still shocking to me. Especially the hate…
I did a year in Calcutta. Everyone called me 'Eminem' and generally bent over for me, at least by Indian standards (the bureaucracy there will cheerfully eat anyone, of any race). Every puja (religious parade) I got ushered to 'VIP' spots. The post-caste Indian universe has a…complicated relationship to whiteness.
I hit an illegal Mexican in a New Orleans bar right after Katrina. Dude was just doing the same thing that all the thick-necked Montana boys—and nearly everyone else there—were doing in NO: getting some of that demolition money. The Mexican looked at my date, whose tarted up vibe merited at least a sleazy second…
We are all mortified on your behalf.
I'm humbled. I doubt I'm that cool. I lose my cool, rather, when smug Scientist attacks on religiosity, or presumptions of logical undergirding where none prevails, or just bad manners pop up on, of all places, the Internet. Rookie error on my part.
I think my offhanded irritability towards you stems in part from what I've observed to be your habit of snarky, angry, baiting, wholesale attacks on religion in general and Catholicism in particular at seemingly every turn. Trotting out quick litanies of 'sex slave' this and 'trash the place' that. Snide insinuations…