
Are you crazy? Are you high? Are you just an ordinary (Time Lord) guy?

Dey TWERK ur jorbs!

It's easy to forget that Jersey has produced a couple of national treasures. Actually, exactly two. Jon Stewart and The Boss. Sometimes it seems more like they were a gift from a compassionate higher intelligence then mere mortals from Jersey.

Release the hounds!

XTC. And all the incarnations of.

As far as animated series Christmas specials go, I'm deeply saddened that not one mention of the Invader Zim special has appeared in this thread. I would love to pit Zim's manic Santa vs. Robo Santa in an epic Christmas battle.

This was a really weird episode for me. The split between all the damn talkie/feelie stuff and the Reverse Flash/Firestorm portions had me a little frustrated at first. But then Detective Joe West helped me learn to laugh and love again! What a fantastic character portrayal by Martin - the sincerity level of every

Thanks for putting my thoughts into readable words :) I'm usually quite fond of Gene's antics, but this evening his shenanigans seemed very unnatural. And while I'm a fan of the absurdity in the world Bob's Burgers, seeing Gene naked and covered in bean juice while serving customers at Big Bob's took me out of their

Seeing the women of Arrow/Flash holding their own was excellent. Not one hint of "we need to call the boys!" in that scene.

It's kind of heartbreaking. They really haven't given Roy much of anything useful to do besides being a punching bag. When he has a speaking part it comes off as forced, since he's not given much to say. Arrow seems kind of confused as to what to do with Roy, maybe wishing they had killed him off when they had the

I think Cisco's improved rep comes from the fact that he now has other people (Felicity, Roy) to relate to. With team Flash he just gets scolded by Dr. Wells and Caitlin for his bright-eyed enthusiasm. With Felicity he has a fellow nerd to go bananas with about tech stuff. With Roy, he has someone his own age who is

I was reacting to the line "that scene was so stupid". Looking backing, out of context I can understand that reaction. But what it really did was add more weight to the "Uncle Ben talk" as you so aptly put it. Again, it's those little tricks that make this show special to me. I think at this point I have enough faith

I must disagree - it's the little scenes like this that have made this world of the Flash believable to me. From Detective Joe basically squealing with delight over Barry's powers to Barry being so excitable/borderline naive about his powers. Those moments help humanize these characters that inhabit a fantastical

Ah yes. Those Lions who as of today are not 7-4, having lost the last two games to actual good teams. I had a bet with my brother that the Lions would not win more than 7 games this season. Now that I owe my brother a dozen tacos, they will certainly not win another game.

It's true. It burns, it burns!!!

Why would you think that? Tell me of another team that celebrates their NFL championship from the 50's as a point of pride. And if they do, it just means that they are just as destitute as the Lions in the winning department.
What I'm saying, is that it counts quite a bit - as an indicator of awful, awful football.

As a native Michigander and idiot Lions fan (I always say I will never root for another team and that I'm a Lions fan, but boy do I hate those assholes) it is distressing to me how much people coddle Browns and BIlls fans. Those teams have at least some history of kind-of-winning, but not my Lions, no sirree! Futility

That is after Andre Braugher sneaks in and puts everyone to shame.

That's what made this episode feel a little bit empty to me - the missing scenes of Amy buying cocaine, Holt demeaning Terry in front of family. A couple of others I can't recall at the moment. Still didn't hate it. And if I don't hate something, that usually means it's pretty damn awesome.

Ah yes. Begins with flashback to the early days of Boxing Glove arrow feelin' up Salmon Ladder - that's a shipping everyone can get behind!