
Maybe if Depp stopped making movies exclusively designed to sell t-shirts at Hot Topic, his career wouldn't be on the decline…

Had Eminem just od'ed after Marshall Mathers LP, he would be viewed by a generation as rap Kurt Cobain. Instead, he got clean and is viewed by a generation as "that old guy who does songs with Rhianna." I think he made the wrong choice.

New Jack City

"I love your mom's cookies"

At this point, Johnny Depp looks like the end result of Steven Tyler having impregnated a muppet in 1965.

This is the most exciting show to roll through Wichita in the year and half I've been here. (I really fucking hate this place)

But how could he have RAPED and KILLED a girl in 1990 when he wasn't even born yet?

In 2015, any sentence that features the words "Sarah Michelle Gellar vehicle" but does not also feature the word "Taurus" at some point is extremely difficult to comprehend.

She sed she neva ad a fwiend beforr/I sed ey gurl i'll be ur fwiend, but whoza keepun score

Sounds like this situation just got too Hard to Handle.

I've been reading a lot of scripts lately, it's a lot cheaper than actually going to the movies.

Dirty Dex-y Money…eh I'm forcing it..

There are at least 100 funnier episodes of Seinfeld than The Chinese Restaurant…

After you watch a Plan B film, it really sticks with you through the next day. After that, it's pretty worthless.

Free? I would go if I got paid.

Coming next fall: Elliot Smith bleeding stab wound jerseys.

This is the same way I feel about The Interview making people passionate about protecting free speech.

One look at Showtime's programming schedule and you'd think Weeds and Dexter were still churning out new seasons.

It never just GOOOOEEEESSSS away..

Such an amazing performance. That guy was incredible.