
Hinder is just fucking terrorism. They are from Oklahoma so they were huge when I lived there. I read this interview with the lead singer once and he was plugging a song on his new album called "Take It To Limit" and he unironically described it as "One of those great songs that could either be about a really fast car

Thank you! I was trying to figure out where I recognized her from. Now I remember she was into Joey but he told her to Cut.It.Out.

Me so solly. Me likey fly lice.
Let's not tamper with the classics.

I watched a few episodes of the old Charlie Sheen Two and a Half Men on a plane once and compared to this South Park episode it was This is Spinal Tap

Not only the least funny South Park I've ever seen, but absolutely the least funny 30 minute episode I can remember watching of anything in the last 5 years.

50 Cent is coming out with a Ja Rule diss recipe.

Herc is holding out because he wants more money to return as Dom.

He's counting on the free pub his movie appearance would garner for the tequila company

Malibu is a solid pop song

Spano did a better job running the Islanders than Turtle did as a hip hop manager/tequila salesman/that thing he did with limos-man

Who was the original director going to be before E stepped in? Billy Walsh?

I actually still enjoy a lot of Top 40 pop, including the majority of past Katy Perry singles (I firmly believe Teenage Dream is one of the best pop songs of the last decade), but this doesn't cut it. Katy Perry should be writing 0 songs that aren't dancey fluff pop tunes. There should be no inspirational message or

Can't they just do a direct sequel called Big Women and have Jay-Z re-record "Big Pimpin'" as "Big Women" and use it as the theme song?

I used to think Marianella on Daily Download was the hottest girl alive.

Everything they've done the last 10 years has been abysmal, but Total Immortal will always be such a kick ass song.

NWO Black and White>NWO Wolfpack>NWO Zombie

I say let the black people have confederate flags. As long as they stay away from hip hop, backwards caps, and baggy jeans, we will be fine.

I irrationally can't dislike anything R. Kelly related so I'm on board.

I bet he inadvertently nails that Tea Party demo with the confederate flag gear.

I used to work with this guy from Italy named Luigi. He had been in America for probably about 20 years or so. Me, him, and a few other coworkers were all having lunch together one day and the conversation turned to celebrity crushes. They asked Luigi who his celebrity crush was and he immediately fired off "Sabrina