
More like Swim Suits amirite?

*Anna Gunn with hands over her ears* I can't hear you I can't hear you….

Is it really crazy for me to say I don't like Skyler just because I don't think Anna Gunn is a great actress? She's not awful or anything, but literally every other person on that show (besides Walt Jr) has consistently wowed me with their performance. She never really has. She's been fine, but what is her sginature

I was thinking of Righteous Kill not 88 minutes

I hope he does it with a really thick Boston accent.

Is the secret that he died with his checkers still on the back row?

*Tron slowly puts his gun back in it's holster…..

The first Meet The Parents is a well written, well acted mainstream comedy. It's a solid film with a lot of funny moments. The others….

Well, at least until Robin Thicke gets murdered by Alan Thicke, he can't be accused of copying EVERY aspect of Marvin Gaye's life….

I haven't brought myself to watch Orange is the New Black yet because I'm still so angry at all the time I wasted watching the last 4 seasons of Weeds as the show rapidly grew worse and worse.

I'd argue for Daniel Day-Lewis. If you look at his Rotten Tomatoes page, 15 of the 18 films he's been in that have ratings have a 68% approval rating or better. And Even when he makes a bad movie like Nine at least it's an ambitious movie. You would never see him in something generic like 88 Minutes. If his career arc

I love this movie and De Niro in general but has anyone realized that, at this point, he's probably actually made more bad films than good ones? Over the last 5 years he has done like 4 movies a year and they've almost all been dreadful. He made a movie with 50 Cent for fuck's sake. In his next two movies, his biggest

Whatchu molestin' bout Mr. Bicycle Man?!

This clip of Gilbert Gottfried doing Dice Clay on the old Howard Stern show is one of the funniest things I have ever seen anywhere.

Girl you need pancake control….

She went MariE. Honda with that slap

Let's kick Brian out/everybody's learning how/come on a safari with me….

Topher Grace just saved a bunch of money on his car insurance by switching to Geico…so the day isn't ALL bad..

I heard he's calling out Paris Hilton, John McCain, Scott Baio, 98 Degrees, Carmen Electra, and James Mason on this song. The man is constantly SLAYING the pop  culture figures of today.

I wish they would have cast Christian Bale and Tom Hardy so they could have just kept doing the Batman and Bane voices.