
It just pisses me off, because as a celebrity on an Iron Chef panel, your job is to eat food and say "Yum". That's it. That's all you are qualified to do.

I will forever hate this band based solely on an appearance the lead singer made on Iron Chef. He was tasting a dish from, I think, Bobby Flay and the other judges who were food critics, restauranteurs, etc. were giving these really in depth criticisms/compliments about each course. Caleb, a singer in a shitty band,

Has anyone ever seen the show Eye for an Eye? I saw it once at like 4 in the morning, and this band was suing a club promoter because their equipment got damaged by a leak there. The judge ruled in the bands favor and they got to destroy like 10,000 worth of stuff in the club.

GI Judge Joe Brown is a movie I would watch.

Inglewood….Inglewood always up to no good

The episode where Lucy's friend cuts herself is hilarious.

I grew up in a town of 4,000 that somehow had a twin cinema in it and they ID'ed absolutely zero percent of people. I remember watching Scary Movie there when I was like 10. And also for some reason Basic starring John Travolta. Which even as a 13 year old I recognized was probably one of the worst movies ever.

That's random. Where did you go to high school?

The funny thing about it is the only 18 and up strip club in Tulsa is absolutely disgusting. It's the kind of place where all of the dancers are covered in needle marks and bullet holes. I can honestly say I saw more sexually arousing things hapening at the gay bar.

I wonder if he ever successfully shut down that bad ass cult "The Center" ran by Mr. Mack. I hope not.

When I was 18 and had just graduated, me and some of my friends from high school went to Tulsa to go to a strip club. Afterwards there was a bar across the street and my friend informed us that he knew a bartender there that would let us drink and not ID us. What he failed to mention was that it was a gay bar, and the

I listened to Significant Other an ungodly amount of times in middle school.

This is not quite up to the usual chainsaw-like quality of their songs.

do do do do do do do do do MY FUTURE GENERATION!

If this is really "The End", then "I'm Not OK (I Promise)".

Now at least their fans have a VALID reason to cut themselves

Clarissa Darling was crazy ahead of the curve on video game design.

I'm going to do some really awkward/uncoordinated dancing to this.

You KNOW Wayne will stop by the set to noogie the shit out of him.

Nic Cage as Baxter Stockman