

Stallone sprays the guy and a flock of 16 year old girls immediately come and rip him apart.

They really should've just put Kate Winslet in front of a camera and said "1…2….3…GO!"

I've honestly never heard/seen Comedy Bang Bang.  Me and my buddy have been talking about this for at least a year.

Also, I've had an idea for a show for years about a serial rapist who only rapes other serial rapists. So at the end of the day, he's not really doing any good…but he's not really doing any bad either. It's tenatively called "Buster"

You joke about Dexter: The Next Generation, but I'd like to point out that Harrison DID have his mother murdered in front of him as well……don't think Showtime hasn't thought about it. Don't be surprised when Harrison is all of the sudden 17 years old next season.

*shaves pubes on right side, lights pubes on left side on fire*

They should get Jerry Sandusky on this show to try and rehab his image. He'd just do insanely sexual versions of the Hokey Pokey each week.

In 8th grade, me and my friends had a band called Shaking Baby Syndrome and we did a cover of "We Didn't Start the Fire" at the talent show, except we changed the lyrics on the last verse and made it about people at our school getting in fights/having sex with each other instead of history. All of these things are

So true. Pony and No Diggitiy are unironically two of the greatest songs of the last 20 years.

Faded by Soul Decision is THE boy band song.

Allow me to be the first to commence dancing on the corpse's ashes….

Probably still trolling for strange in the park.

I thought they were making fun of how stupid the ad campaign is for Dr. Pepper Ten, I didn't read product placement at all. It certainly wasn't It's Always Sunny having a mountain of prominent Coors Light cases behind the bar.

I hope NBC makes "Girlfriend in a Coma" promos via a direct reworking of The Smiths song.

I want to pet you like an animal! I want a dog that can go inside!

Ken Cosgrove sells his robot bridge short story to Hollywood! With Don Draper as his agent! Peggy comes full circle and gives a guy a hand job at a Pizza House! Betty dies somehow! This shit writes itself.

….and that is your mission, Mr. Hunt. This lesbian will self-destruct in 5 seconds……

I ain't faking, you should've smelled what The Croc was baking…

Modern Family is not funny. It's just not fucking funny.