
In unrelated news, The Dinosaur Diaries will be coming to the CW in 2015

You are absolutely allowed to interpret art in any way you so choose. In my opinion though, I don't think you are interpreting these films in the way the director intended. You seem to be very focused on the violence itself and not so much the reasons behind it. In both, the whole purpose is to disgust the audience by

So what you're saying is, there was never a situation in which someone was hiding Jews in their home and the SS came and interrogated them? I feel like history says that happened a whole lot. I get that the SS captains probably didn't drink big glasses of milk and have the flair of Christoph Waltz, but these things

"On the other, it’s an exploitation movie that takes open glee in sexual violence, racial caricature, torture, indiscriminate slaughter, and hyperbolic gore"

So basically what you are saying is, how can The Rock expect Hollywood to smell what he is cooking if he can't even smell it himself?

The "How low can you go" part in Hand Jive when Kenickie starts thrusting on the ground is unquestionably awesome.

Damn. This is just going to further postpone the David Ortiz/Larry Bird buddy cop movie I've been waiting for…


No I just hate the fucking city of Austin. It's hipster hell. It's a bunch of asshole barefoot hippies lecturing me for drinking a bottle of water while they ash their cigarettes all over the ground and argue with each other about which one of them is more trisexual and which one of their longboards is more

Yes, that's the thing that "YOU" say. It's not like that exact slogan is printed on thousands of t-shirts worn by the elitist hipster douchebags loitering around Whole Foods or anything. That's an original saying of yours. A signature catchphrase.

As always, I will be working in the Marlboro rig handing out free cancer in exchange for stealing your info. So please stop by and say hi and tell me all the great things I'm missing.

Say My Name is such a jam.

Wayans World! Wayans World! Comedy Time! Excellent!!!

My Love was definitely one of the best pop singles of the last decade

I can't wait for the sequel "Y 2: Mama Tambien"

"Robochickenpoxalypse. Scratch The Itch. Summer 2014."

Sentence I never thought I'd type: Jack Black should have been nominated for Best Actor. He was absolutely stellar in Bernie.

AIDS > Armond White

Bring It On is the king of shitty movies that I inevitably end up watching in their entirety every single time they are on cable. And the weird thing is, afterwards, I don't even really remember it happening. I'm not even sure I'm conscious during most of it. It almost feels like I'm being raped by the East Compton

We'll call it Puppy Love!