
I saw it in Dallas and it was phenomenal. The energy in the building was unlike any show I've ever been too. You could tell everyone there knew it was something special. It reminded me of when I saw The Dark Knight in the theaters and everyone was sitting there in silence with a "holy shit, this is incredible" look on

So this show is sort of the polar opposite of New Girl, which would explain why I like it so much.

So this show is sort of the polar opposite of New Girl, which would explain why I like it so much.



The guy on the far right looks like a burned out Ellen Degeneres

The guy on the far right looks like a burned out Ellen Degeneres

Go Tree Lighting, you're burning up the den so bright, Tree Lighting, Go Tree Lighting!

Go Tree Lighting, you're burning up the den so bright, Tree Lighting, Go Tree Lighting!

The Kokomo comparison is definitely there. Couldn't you  just see Santana playing this live with Uncle Jesse on drums, and Joey, Danny, Stephanie, Michelle, DJ, and Kimmy Gibbler dancing around in the background?

The Kokomo comparison is definitely there. Couldn't you  just see Santana playing this live with Uncle Jesse on drums, and Joey, Danny, Stephanie, Michelle, DJ, and Kimmy Gibbler dancing around in the background?

Ritchie Valens forced to cancel upcoming West Coast tour dates due to deadness….

Ritchie Valens forced to cancel upcoming West Coast tour dates due to deadness….

When I saw "I Love the 1880's", I automatically assumed VH1 was rapidly running out of material…

When I saw "I Love the 1880's", I automatically assumed VH1 was rapidly running out of material…

If this headline eliminated the word puppeteer, it'd be a much more interesting story…

If this headline eliminated the word puppeteer, it'd be a much more interesting story…

If Elmo is the Triple H of Seasame Street, Bert and Ernie are the shortlived overtly homosexual Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo tag team.

If Elmo is the Triple H of Seasame Street, Bert and Ernie are the shortlived overtly homosexual Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo tag team.

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus you forgot to mention the necessary interest in two-steppin'/deer huntin'