
Patton Oswalt was right. The correct answer is always Christmas Shoes.

Unpopular opinion: I love Bulworth. Intentional or not (I think it was), Warren Beatty is hillarious.

Unpopular opinion: I love Bulworth. Intentional or not (I think it was), Warren Beatty is hillarious.

I went and saw Eve 6 at a local casino like 4 years ago. I was a huge fan of their self titled album and Horroscope, which I still contend is a ridiculously fun pop-punk album. It was a free show and I was surprised to see the crowd was mainly high school kids (it was an 18 and up casino). About midway through they

I went and saw Eve 6 at a local casino like 4 years ago. I was a huge fan of their self titled album and Horroscope, which I still contend is a ridiculously fun pop-punk album. It was a free show and I was surprised to see the crowd was mainly high school kids (it was an 18 and up casino). About midway through they

I've seen The Hold Steady 3 times. Craig does the same shit every show and it's always awesome. "I went there on *airquotes* business….."

I've seen The Hold Steady 3 times. Craig does the same shit every show and it's always awesome. "I went there on *airquotes* business….."

I randomly went to an Everclear show when I was like 16. The lead singer invited a bunch of people from the audience on stage for the last encore song, some girl apparently touched his butt, and he legitimately freaked out about it. At first we all thought he was joking, but he actually demanded to know who did it and

I randomly went to an Everclear show when I was like 16. The lead singer invited a bunch of people from the audience on stage for the last encore song, some girl apparently touched his butt, and he legitimately freaked out about it. At first we all thought he was joking, but he actually demanded to know who did it and

Could you imagine being at the school that has the Magic School Bus, but being in the OTHER 5th grade class, you know, the one that actually has to do math and phonics and shit? I imagine it'd be very frustrating after a long day full of actual school work to sit next to Carlos on the bus ride home and listen to him

Could you imagine being at the school that has the Magic School Bus, but being in the OTHER 5th grade class, you know, the one that actually has to do math and phonics and shit? I imagine it'd be very frustrating after a long day full of actual school work to sit next to Carlos on the bus ride home and listen to him

Please let this be a normal field trip….

Please let this be a normal field trip….

So this season finally has a legitimately funny episode that isn't built entirely around callbacks, and it gets a C? I'm confused. I bet if the Tafts had been working with the lawyer to get Charlie to reveal the secret behind making kitten mittens it'd have gotten an A+++

So this season finally has a legitimately funny episode that isn't built entirely around callbacks, and it gets a C? I'm confused. I bet if the Tafts had been working with the lawyer to get Charlie to reveal the secret behind making kitten mittens it'd have gotten an A+++

Yea, not defending what he did but Sean Penn once stuck a woman's head in an oven and we still watch his movies/give him awards……it's not that shocking that people are still buying his music

Yea, not defending what he did but Sean Penn once stuck a woman's head in an oven and we still watch his movies/give him awards……it's not that shocking that people are still buying his music

yea obviously not the act im referring to.

yea obviously not the act im referring to.

Mitt Romney would probably be able to get Brandon Flowers to come perform….