
Oh I see it all VERY clearly now. The penguin made you write this…

Hash Bandicoot

Hash Bandicoot

Now that Jersey Shore is culturally irrelevant and the stars will no doubt be scrambling for cash, can we get a Real World VS. Jersey Shore Challenge already? Can you imagine Ronnie VS. CT in a steroid filled elimination round?

Now that Jersey Shore is culturally irrelevant and the stars will no doubt be scrambling for cash, can we get a Real World VS. Jersey Shore Challenge already? Can you imagine Ronnie VS. CT in a steroid filled elimination round?

If you were surrounded by a sea of your friends with their camera phones linked directly to Facebook/Twitter, had 0 condoms, and someone had a gun to your head making you decide between Amanda and Lindsay, which would you choose to do something sexually with at this point? It's like Russian Roulette.

If you were surrounded by a sea of your friends with their camera phones linked directly to Facebook/Twitter, had 0 condoms, and someone had a gun to your head making you decide between Amanda and Lindsay, which would you choose to do something sexually with at this point? It's like Russian Roulette.

If you want to see terrible band names, just look through the cutter kid t-shirt section at Hot Topic. There is a band called "The Number Twelve Looks Like You"

If you want to see terrible band names, just look through the cutter kid t-shirt section at Hot Topic. There is a band called "The Number Twelve Looks Like You"

Totally Baked with Keanu Reeves is a show I would watch…

Totally Baked with Keanu Reeves is a show I would watch…

For once, I am rooting for PETA. They failed in their protests to save Justin Kirk from working with Kevin Nealon, maybe they can come to his rescue on this one. This show seriously looks like a career killer and that's a shame because Kirk was able to spin huge piles of feces into huge, extremely well-acted piles of

For once, I am rooting for PETA. They failed in their protests to save Justin Kirk from working with Kevin Nealon, maybe they can come to his rescue on this one. This show seriously looks like a career killer and that's a shame because Kirk was able to spin huge piles of feces into huge, extremely well-acted piles of

If they made R. Kelly a judge and he sang all his criticisms while adding in absurd sex metaphors, I'd probably watch.

If they made R. Kelly a judge and he sang all his criticisms while adding in absurd sex metaphors, I'd probably watch.

People often forget just how huge Nelly was when he first came out. Country Grammar sold 9 million albums. You couldn't go anywhere without hearing the title track, which was pretty genius. That thing was a mammoth. 

People often forget just how huge Nelly was when he first came out. Country Grammar sold 9 million albums. You couldn't go anywhere without hearing the title track, which was pretty genius. That thing was a mammoth. 

It probably means The Black Crowe's singer will be trying to score heroin from everyone on set when he drops off their kid.

It probably means The Black Crowe's singer will be trying to score heroin from everyone on set when he drops off their kid.

I always wonder if in 1930's Germany Hitler was sort of like The Beatles? I mean if you watch YouTube videos of his speeches and stuff people are just going crazy. I sort of imagine him walking into a tactical meeting and 13 year old girls outside standing behind a barracde, screaming and fainting.