illegal characters

Why, fuck you too sir.

…of incest?

Tangentially, I always wondered what kind of "tricks" are done by whores for money. Surely the stuff in your browser history can't be considered "tricks", amirite guise?



Jesse! Jesse!

Well, I've been missing The Office for a long time now.

Good job…internet?

I wouldn't worry about it.

That's a real hazard considering all the cardboard cut-outs.

Fuck that novel.

Yeah, if you could fix that, that'd be great.

I just like to… think my thoughts.

I love Stephen King, but this book sucks donkey dick. By page 500, I was expecting Rennie to shout "Muahahahah! I'M EVEEELLLLLL!"
There isn't a single tri-dimensional character, and that's saying a lot for someone who really fucking knows how to write really human characters. I almost refuse to believe this was written

Spoiler alert!

This makes me cum!

So, that's it? We're just calling them "The Friends" now?


Oooh, Jesse's mom.

Oooh, Jesse's mom.