Sometimes I feel like some articles are designed to attract us, like moths into a flame. Of shit.
Sometimes I feel like some articles are designed to attract us, like moths into a flame. Of shit.
Sometimes I feel like some articles are designed to attract us, like moths into a flame. Of shit.
Why do I even bother to check out these Office references?
Why do I even bother to check out these Office references?
I'm underpaid!
I'm underpaid!
Am I the only one who thinks the first three episodes were written to be a movie?
Am I the only one who thinks the first three episodes were written to be a movie?
Oh yeah? Well, you fight like a cow!
Oh yeah? Well, you fight like a cow!
Fuck you for preying on my love for Breaking Bad.
Fuck you for preying on my love for Breaking Bad.
Louie, Louie, Louie.
Louie, Louie, Louie.