Peter Wells

Senator Ruy, why
did you phrase your apt comment
in strict haiku form?

I found the whole "Person as a package" an echo of The Man from Tallahassee.

Noticed a pattern in LOST: duds.

So, the Locke-ness Monster?

Holy cow, I ddin't realize it you guys mentioned it, but you're right! That's why a "double sawbuck" is a $20. I totally forgot about the "fin."

It needs to be said…
"Sawbuck Gamer" has become indispensable to me. I adore this roundup. There are so many games at this "level" (under a $5, or free) that I despair of missing the good ones. No longer, thanks to the A.V. Club.

I Love Lost, but…
Man, I hate the whole "parent shows up at offspring's performance just in time to see how truly gifted/hardworking they are" cliche.

"If Jacob is a myth, bring him to me in a bottle. If he is a man, bring him in chains."

It needn't be a death. The shocker could be another REBIRTH.

The KIDS from the tail section are still alive and living with the Others.

Return of the Faraday?
Last we saw of Faraday, he was distraught, facing a horrible realization, truth about a loved one, mumbling "I won't tell her!"—the same emotional state Luke was in at the close of Empire Strikes Back.