2 Guest Votes

They beat you to it *by two years*. The show was broadcast like last week or something in their world. It's spooky.

I only just noticed that post didn't say 'not homo' like I thought it did. Apologies.

Wasn't it just a pun on his name? That's how I read it.

plus it had John frickin' Adams!

Zack Morris, rest in peace: 19whenever he was born - 199horse riding accident. The cellphone couldn't save him then:(

By the time thy started showing it here, I was just old enough to see it as some dreadful neon-coated bullshit. I think it's Stockholm syndrome, myself. Or as a best case scenario, they watch it for the totally radical to the max fashion choices, dude.

Am I reading this right? You're asking for an 'A New Hope'-style remastering of '1776', where they add wisecracking CGI turkeys?

I honestly loved the track they linked to.

if they were, then they are crazy.

The article made it sound so fun, but me neither. It's like some opposite-world thing where Gary Numan is fifteen years late and also completely terrible. I stuck with it until…the second page of the article, but I wouldn't have made it much further even if the Cosby kid's teamup with Missy* hadn't lured me away.

[clicks that link]
oh wow. just…wow.

I'm going to hit up some fileshar places where movies are completely legitimately available, because that sounds like great fun.

Me too! Kinda. They chickened out and gave me a book.

I got it just a few minutes ago. Error twins!

tell your friend it's 'Marconi plays the mambo'
it..um…not that I know or anything. Never heard it in my life. I don't even speak English.
[runs away, faster than those people being chased by that giant dice]

please forgive me
I can't stop loving you

EDIT: Actually that might be less creepy than I thought - some countries just had the Minipops in musical form, right? We had a TV show. That got cancelled, because even British TV producers in the early 80s - not exactly bastions of morality in their kid's broadcasting choices - came to think it was a

I was on the edge of mentioning that - I think it came out around 'now' (1993)? Agreed on its fantasticness. I would have said it's her best, but I was the right age at the right time for SAW, so I love all that stuff despite my better instincts.

I haven't heard that before and oh my dear god.
Also I appreciate the effort they put in on the video.

Actual Scottish person here: it's cute, I think. Also pretty much unheard of over here. There is a fun tradition of just appending 'ina' to boy's names (they're only wummin, gauny no make a fuss, it's no like wuv goat ra imagination te spare). There's a Thomasina in my family; Donaldina and Fergusina are also actual