Brian C

I love it that Starship Troopers made this list. Finally, someone understands.

The Critic crossover was a great episode, not just some cheap cash-in.

Superman already had two good movies. Superman and Superman 2.

Superman has appeared in a ton of great stories though.
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow-Alan Moore
All-Star Superman-Grant Morrison
Kingdom Come-Mark Waid
What's So Funny Bout Truth Justice And the American Way?-Joe Kelly

I always found Superman interesting because he's simultaneously the most powerful man on Earth, and the most alone. Every time he meets anyone who understands what its like to be him, it has to be on some battlefield, just to protect a species he loves but will never be a part of. So many people whine that Superman

It was better in the book when Jon Snow found the dragonglass.

Willem Dafoe wasn't the only actor to portray an interesting Jesus. Robert Powell took on the role in Jesus of Nazareth, directed by Franco Zeffirelli.

People think about Jon Hamm's penis?

My problem with the show is that the characters consistently do things they would never do. I understand the need for additional scenes, but we've already seen Tywin act as a kindly grandfather, Renly act as a gay pacifist, Tyrion act stupidly enough to send a whore to Joffrey, Stannis sleep with Melisandre, Jon Snow