
Damn, two As in a row, and they're both well-deserved. This show is on fire!

Eh, I'm still not really hooked on the plot, but hey, it's from Ridley Scott and Cormac McCarthy, so it can't be that bad. I just hope Cameron Diaz isn't too much of a buzzkill.

I guess Canadians age faster than everyone else in the South Park universe.

"You want me to go in there and waste these mothafuckas? I'll do it!"

Wow, all that wait for nothing. This episode was so dated and uninspired, which is a shame since I had such high hopes for it to be one of the season's best. The only big highlight was the goth-themed intro, but other than that, it was easily forgettable. The C- grade sounds about right.

*cue cheesy Kenny G saxophone solo*

Never doubt BMO and his radio conspiracy theories.

First of all, R.I.P. Hot Daniel, you beautiful truck, you.

Whenever you see the words "A VH1 Original Movie," you know it's gonna be a certified piece of melodramatic dog shit.

Eileen is definitely the most underused and underrated character on RS. I hope they'll come around to giving her an episode of her own soon, but it seems pretty unlikely at this point.

This was the best Terror Tales yet, hands down. Thomas's pizza costume never gets old.

Jeez, the album cover looks like the logo for some awful radio station.

My thoughts exactly. In these two episodes alone, Wan proved himself to be a far more engaging and intriguing Avatar than Korra. It'd be awesome if we could get a miniseries following the many adventures of Wan, or at least a comic book or video game series.

These two episodes were fucking incredible! Where do I even begin? The animation was a huge step up from the previous chapters (more nods to Studio Ghibli than I could count) and the story finally sent Korra's arc in the right direction. My only worry is whether or not the writers will be able to keep this momentum

This is reason enough that there needs to be a Carrie/Sex and the City parody trailer made ASAP.

Another classic horror movie gets brutally sodomized by Hollywood. But I'm still seeing this one for the scariest parts: Julianne Moore's hilarious scene chewing.

"Hunger," "Shame," "12 Years a Slave."

Maybe their next movie together should be called "Retirement Plan."

Try saying that to his fan base: the Cumberbitches.

Thanks a lot, government.