
Never be ashamed about Joy Ride. You saw Paul Walker and Steve Zahn's butts! And the movie also resulted in my never being able to say 'candy cane' in a non threatening way.

Lola gets the worst though. That pink monstrosity did nothing for her

And what a pretty ride out that was. Her cape and the black outfit might be my favorite thing she has worn so far.

He is his grandson if it's any consultation

I really hope that Amell and Steve McQueen have a salmon ladder off when he comes on as nightwing. it just has to happen.

An A.

So Moira and summer glau definitely knew each other before her incarceration right? I don't think I have ever seen glau smile so maniacally as she did during the party.

Is it bad that the neck breaking comment was my favorite little moment?

i do believe so cause that is the most important question that needs asking

Katrina Law was fabulous on Spartacus. This makes me ridiculously happy. Now somehow Liam McIntyre or Dustin Clare must be on the show in some fashion…. and then people will go back and watch Spartacus and love it… tis but a dream (sigh)

A-. It was a truly funny episode. I don't know why, but every time they panned to Sue's face after the 'shopping incident' i just got the giggles knowing something just bad happened.

I am really liking the trend to shorter seasons that some of the shows are moving towards. Revenge could've used a shorter season in my opinion. Hannibal benefited from it, why can't other shows also?

I believe that the season for this show are only going to be 13 episodes. (thank goodness)

Between this and Spartacus (and to a certain extent LOTR) will Craig Parker ever have a job were he is not a dick in some way?

Patchface scares the shit out of me. he knows too much.

that episode was taped on after my favorite rugrats episode at the time, and it caused conflicting emotions for me. I would run out of the room in terror.

Does anyone else remember the episode with the Nosferatu motherfucker who came out of the movie screen? Cause I still get involuntary shivers over that episode when i reminisce.

anything clone high please.

My god when Lee Pace challenges you to a kissing contest…. YOU SHOULD NOT SAY NO!