
This is so goddamned surreal.

It's confirmed to be PS4 exclusive, being published by Sony directly.

I saw Black Sabbath on their "farewell tour" in 1999 in Dallas. Now, in 2016, they're playing the same venue on another "farewell tour".

EDIT: Thought you were suggesting multi-member districts, which it doesn't seem you were. You realize what a massive shift you're talking about there? US Libertarians are basically just "I'm a Republican but don't like the stigma", so I'm not sure where you're seeing a 10 point swing in that favor. Third parties in

Yep, an election being thrown into the House would cause a reform of the system to not be First Past The Post. That's why First Past the Post met its demise in 1800. Or 1824. Or 1876.

There's no mechanism for automatically overturning the First Past The Post system once small parties get more than a certain percentage of the vote so, no, it wouldn't change the system.

It would be a useful comparison if the books were just having people having a debate about how far the law actually goes. The problem is that the tie-ins usually depicted characters like Iron Man with those same wildly varying characterizations of the law.

The backwards compatibility for instruments on Xbox One is basically as good as Harmonix can get it. They were able to get the wireless stuff working with the legacy adapter, and wired 360 controllers don't work on the Xbox One because Microsoft blocks them.

In the new game, when you beat the campaign or just play it for long enough, you unlock "Freq Mode", which turns the flattened Amplitude track back into the Frequency tunnel. It's still different from real Frequency because it's still relatively flat like Amplitude, and they achieve the tunnel by doubling up the

I think you might be thinking about The Apprentice?

Superego had it right.

Some discussion of the game (which I want to say is from the podcast Justice Points and may have even come from Nina Freeman herself) described the combat as performative, that it's less real combat and more something that gets you into the feeling that you're doing MMO combat.

Yep, exactly what I was going to respond with. One of the easier paths to legitimacy in a racist/sexist culture is to espouse those beliefs and cast yourself as "one of the good ones".

Just FYI, Nina Freeman's role on Tacoma is level designer.

There was that talk earlier this year that Bill Simmons and Jon Stewart were going to start a website or something, which would be Simmons' new thing. Simmons went to HBO, which seemed to be the end of that. Now Stewart is at HBO.

In addition to what other people have pointed out, there's also the thing where HBO pays them to make <x> episodes spread out over the year.

It's harsh, but not unwarranted. "Let me hold you up as an example or else I'm going to stop funding the work you're doing", is a fucked up thing to demand, especially in light of the obvious subtext that Randi was having discussions with Patreon about the same subject behind the scenes that she didn't want to have

Sure, but I can't help but think that her impact would have been diminished if Kojima got his way and had her running around that game with 1 boob fully exposed at all times, which is what he wanted to do with that character. Someone thankfully shot Kojima down on that one.

The way I usually explain it to someone is a variation on this, but I blow it out to a deck of cards.

If there was an opportunity to make that sort of money off those films, he wouldn't have to self-fund them.