
While you might be, I have to say, it's way more within the HST ethos to do it this way.

I don't read comics on phones, but not reading comics on PCs? What's up with that?

There was one clip, which I could swear was the same instance as the "a little snow" bit, where Conan presented Hanks with a gift, which happened to be the skeletal remains of Hooch. I've never been able to find video of that, though, so it's driving me crazy that maybe I've just misremembered it.

So, the way this stuff has been handled in the last few NBA2K games is that off-the-court stuff is basically conversations with a Mass Effect dialogue selector. The first introductions of this stuff were to handle post-game press conferences, and you had a little more flexibility. Later games have kinda started to

There was a period where his naming scheme was specifically to try to foil piracy. Like, he'd name songs after virus variants, so that to pirate his songs, you had to go search for the name of a virus.

I assume you mean season 3? Because, holy shit, that was the most incoherent thing ever.

Wait, I mean, lieb them alone.

Interesting to see that it's going back to 20 episodes. I'm kinda wondering if the cutback was because IFC is trying to cut back the show, or because the order for 40 episodes was killing the production staff.

Somehow replied to myself with this instead of to you.

EDIT: Shit.

I probably would call it a trainwreck. Not for the whole show, but starting around the time Tom Green completely derails everything by talking about how his dog just died.

Additionally, it's an incredibly subtle introduction to the idea that Samantha can talk to more than one person at once. The movie never really explicitly points it out, but lets you deduce this by making it clear that Samantha is "talking" through the speaker while also giving the surrogate instructions on what to

You must have really liked it to give it the highest grade possible, a C+.

Another completely invented theory that I kinda like is if you apply Seinfeld logic to it. Biff is doing chores for the family because he was tried and convicted of attempted sexual assault, only he was sentenced to be their butler.

I think the real revelation that changed the way I think about Back to the Future was something someone wrote in to the Giant Bombcast a few weeks ago.

Ah, then my apologies. I just read that as the other way around.

Perhaps, but it's also rather crystal clear that DC's intent with Barbara's story going forward was that The Killing Joke was going to mark the end of her as a real character in the Bat-universe.

Other way around. Cameron Stewart, the writer of Batgirl, has been mentioning that the "threats" mentioned by DC were threats against the people complaining about the cover. Rafael Albuquerque, the artist who drew the cover in question, has confirmed he didn't get any such threats.

SPOILERS, obviously.

I think the most surprising thing is that the scene wasn't actually written by Mark "This is my face as I'm fucking you in the ass" Millar.