Juror nr.3

That was sickening, but not in the fierce way.

That was sickening, but not in the fierce way.

The All-Stars version of Drag Race is not really about who wins. ('Hall-of-Famer'? What kind of a useless title is that?) It's just an excuse to see everyone's favourite contestants again. This is much more about the fun, the outfits, the reads and the quips than the actual eventual winner, it just doesn't have the

The All-Stars version of Drag Race is not really about who wins. ('Hall-of-Famer'? What kind of a useless title is that?) It's just an excuse to see everyone's favourite contestants again. This is much more about the fun, the outfits, the reads and the quips than the actual eventual winner, it just doesn't have the

Perma-jesty is always joking.

Perma-jesty is always joking.

Zis is the only library I know of, Dr. Fronkenstone!

Zis is the only library I know of, Dr. Fronkenstone!

I love me some Chad but being paired with the awful Shannel is not going to do her any favours.

I love me some Chad but being paired with the awful Shannel is not going to do her any favours.

Pffff Mimi was and always will be a talent-free obnoxious man in a two dollar wig.

Pffff Mimi was and always will be a talent-free obnoxious man in a two dollar wig.

Pandora didn't overact at all. She knew the second she was paired with the revolting talent-free Mimi, she was doomed. It wouldn't have mattered how much she would have tried to overcome it. It's been a complete mystery to me why Mimi was picked to be on All Stars. As someone stage-whispered as she entered the room:

Pandora didn't overact at all. She knew the second she was paired with the revolting talent-free Mimi, she was doomed. It wouldn't have mattered how much she would have tried to overcome it. It's been a complete mystery to me why Mimi was picked to be on All Stars. As someone stage-whispered as she entered the room:

Maybe we'll also get more realistic grading. 'A-'?? This was nowhere near that.

Maybe we'll also get more realistic grading. 'A-'?? This was nowhere near that.

I'll have a lot more trouble changing my 'Lily Allen' tatoo.

I'll have a lot more trouble changing my 'Lily Allen' tatoo.

Brother, you really are something, you sit here vote guilty like the rest of us, then some golden-voiced preacher starts tearing your poor heart out about some underprivileged kid, just couldn't help becoming a murderer, and you change your vote. Well if that isn't the most sickening… Why don't you drop a quarter in

Brother, you really are something, you sit here vote guilty like the rest of us, then some golden-voiced preacher starts tearing your poor heart out about some underprivileged kid, just couldn't help becoming a murderer, and you change your vote. Well if that isn't the most sickening… Why don't you drop a quarter in