Juror nr.3

Eric Bana gay?
What planet are you on?
He couldn't be more blokey Aussie if he tried.

Worst of the current batch of popular actors.
And his crooked Stallone-mouth when he speaks is SO annoying.

That Amelie…she just be hatin'.

I was really hoping for Jade!
But she probably finally imploded from extreme narcissism coupled with being totally oblivious to how many times per minute she makes a complete ass of herself.

"Seriously, Nigel's hair. What. "


Rose Byrne is Australian, not British.
I don't understand how people can't tell the difference between the accents. The Beaver's voice in..um…The Beaver kept being called Australian in reviews when it was very clearly Cockney.
But Rose Byrne's beaver is Australian.

"Viktor: should have been the winner."
Couldn't agree more. I seldom see anything the designers come up with on this show that really impresses me but that garment was stunning.
Should have gotten much more love from the judges and yes, should have won over Anya's so-so dress.

Just to make sure: did this episode feature an HP-Intel challenge? I couldn't tell. Tim, Heidi and Mrs Betsey Hyperactive Clownface only said the words "HP-Intel" about 5847 times.

Could I have a walk-off role instead?

Young girls don't need to be programmed to like shitty movies.

With a spoon
With a spoon
How I'd love to slowly kill thee
With a spoon

Furio's plotline never felt unresolved to me. It was one of the things The Sopranos was good at: the realism of not ending a story with a big satisfying conclusion with a big bow on it but just letting things peter out and people move on - like it happens in real life.

Likeable Bert seems to be a short-lived character, judging from next week's preview. Yay!

Fiona Shaw is virtually single-handedly holding up the entire season by now. All the storylines not involving Antonia/Marnie are just one giant snoozefest.

I'm also still on Team Bert.
Yes, he can be a real prick and he's petty and spiteful. But a lot of what he says makes sense to me and it is true that nobody even gave him the light of day from day one.


I could sort of understand why people would be interested in what these two braindamaged posers where doing at the height of their Oasis fame.
But now?
One is *not* suing the other over zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…..
Sorry, nodded off there.

I love Fiona's dry sarcasm as when Robin says "Don't look at me, I'm not pretty when I cry!" and Fiona goes "Oh. Is *that* when it is?"

You mean…THAT Fast Fingers Freddy?
Sheesh. Who knew?