
To respond to limf,
Well, the road sign was, in fact, an omen. One that said, you are entering an area where atheist non-profits are commonplace, think twice before moving here. As for acting in a surrealist film, his point, if I follow correctly, was that it was just one more step along the road that he shouldn't

I didn't follow that sentence either. Although blaming the Devil on that is certainly a convienient alternative.

Spike is always good for a momentary pause when fliping through the channels while I think "Wait, what's that?…oh..never mind"

My thoughts exactly. Was this screened in a theatre or delivered to the AVClub offices in a shoe box with the title wrtten on the disc with a Sharpie?

So we're all agreed that asian hopping zombies are inferior though, right?

"What if Iron Man fought in the Crimean War?"

After some fact checking, I admit I was incorrect on the age of the various texts, however, the old testement does promise the dead rising again after the coming of the Messiah

well yes, the only way immortality would work on any sort of large scale is if it were coupled with infertility. Even slowing the aging process or simply delaying death would have logistical problems.

Well, you're ignoring another long and distinguished culteral history of literature embracing eternal life. The Bible (parts of which are arguably as old as the Epic of Gilgamesh) is essentialy a handbook of how to live forever, as is the Koran and most other religious texts (wether of not these are true is outside

get with the times man! Tachyons are soooo last decade (was that the 90's, or are we officially in the teens now?). My pontoon boat is powered by Nanobots ! Of course, if you insist on being "Old Skool" you need an Atomic Powered Pontoon Boat, or really old school and have an Pontoon Boat Zeppelin, everything was

If I'm not mistaken (and I could be because I'm not bothering to fact-check), it's calculated by just the number of Neilson TV's tuned in to that channel

That would actual extrapolate to be 5,040 white male land-owners, not counting loyalist Tory bastards, although the television viewing audiance of 1776 was much smaller than thaat in reality

I don't know, I'm of two minds here. I don't like the clip show concept, but on the other hand, I would like to see Dwight beat on the garbage bag over Meridith's head that also contains an angry bat every week. Seriously, that scene on an endless loop and I'ld give the episode an A+

I'ld have to agree with that. I'ld like to not like it because of the premise, yet I always find myself laughing. It's actually a funny show.

Has anyone checked to see if he has a link up yet to this AV Club article? Should I be creaped out by the fact he's reading this as I post it in real time?

no one would suspect the 24-hour delivery service to bring you the sofa that you forgot you ordered….

after seeing it, I didn't see his positioning as sexual. Sure he's always behind the desk and short, but he never standing that close to her. The fact that you can only see his hat and his name is 'Tiny' is just a joke. I think you're reading too much into this. Go take a shower.

must…not…make….vibrating candy cane comment…..

It's nice to see the hoodoo man getting work, I havn't seen him since "Live and Let Die"

I was just sort of scanning the review and read "Bruno Campos" as "Bruce Campbell". For a second there I was going to go see this.