RicheyEdwardsandthe Cruisers

I like Django Django .. have no idea if that makes me an idiot because I'm woefully out-of-touch with the current state of British music.

I'm pretty excited to check out her solo stuff. I can't believe Catatonia/Cerys dropped off my radar. Thought she was a really clever songwriter, too.

Yes—This! "Could've walked in the sky but we stare at the wall." One of those great heroin songs of the era.

I liked Catatonia a lot. Cerys Matthews has a great voice, and I would like to hear more of it.

"Coming Up" is one of those fun albums where every song is a single. I do feel it doesn't stand the test of time as well as the first two albums, but fun for a nostalgic sing-along.

It's incredible how good the b-sides are … The compilation Sci-Fi Lullabies is as good as anything they've released.

I always liked the relationship between Anthony and Bernice on Designing Women. That was some goofy shit. RIP Meshach.

Don't spend all that money on hiring oily bohunks.

I think there's something about Monopoly that gives us an excuse to let loose all the angers and frustrations we have with our loved ones. Money—even if it's pink and orange—does that to people.

I was involved in one of the ugliest Monopoly games ever and I have not played since because of the PTSD I have from it. There was screaming, name-calling, crying, and slammed doors. Friendships were nearly destroyed. It is serious business, this devil game.

How will he be able to do a "time out"?

The one where Zack dated a girl in a wheelchair is pretty great. He goes out of his way to make sure every single person is made aware of this girl's situation. He says "SHE'S IN A WHEELCHAIR" about 65 times. Zack is a shallow asshole, but at least he's consistent.

Neon water bottle, Double Dare t-shirt, body suit, cigarettes. I need a time machine.

21-year-old version of me is incredibly pleased with this news. "Up the Bracket" was my shit. Of course, I haven't listened to them in a good 10 years. Still have the hots for Carl Barat, tho. That is all.

I enjoy the gag of the terrible, dehumanizing things Screech Powers had to do to remain in good standing with his popular friends on Saved by the Bell. I know of an instance in which he allegedly ended up naked on a bus to serve the whim of his master Zack Morris.

For some inexplicable reason, a 7-year-old me was obsessed with that song. I wore out the Cassingle.

How 'bout Jamie Kennedy in Scream & Scream 2? There are certain rules to surviving a horror movie, after all.

I would like to see the origin of The New Way.

I always wondered what the Cage/Herzog dynamic was like behind the scenes on Bad Lieutenant. I suppose Cage seems like a normal, rational human being in comparison with an authentic mad man like Klaus Kinski.

I'm nostalgic for the Jack White who messed up the Von Bondies' singer's face.