RicheyEdwardsandthe Cruisers

I think Lindsay Lohan is so aware that she's Lindsay Lohan that we'll never get a real performance out of her again.

I feel like SNL has become a "hate-watch" thing for me. I rarely enjoy it, but feel compelled to watch it so I can complain about it the next day. I am not a fun person. Anyway, the audience for last night's episode seemed to less-than-impressed. The laughs were delayed or just not there at all. It felt like

It really was quality. I felt it could've gone for another season. It has been awhile since I've watched it, but I kind of remember feeling the ending was abrupt.

The queen is dead! Long live the King Singers!

This news will finally give Dave something he desperately needed … his name trending on social media. Thanks again, Twitter.

I kinda wish you would've done the school shooting episode with the infamous Rick Murray. Just the image of him walking around covered in feathers and … I believe mustard (it always looked like mustard to me, but maybe it's yellow paint. I dunno, I've drank a lot of drugs.) is hilarious to me.

That's between me and my cats.

I love the way he fondles his sweaters.

Too much yelling, had to stop watching … and I am someone who sat through I Know Who Killed Me and The Canyons…. and Georgia Rule…. and the TV movie where Lindsay faked being pregnant. God have mercy on my soul.

I watched that one the other day and that line provided the biggest laugh.

Isn't it Romantic also has some wonderful confusion on the part of Blanche, who believes Dorothy's friend is Lebanese, like Danny Thomas.

I suppose these are the most obvious choices, but the Cahier club of Rohmer, Godard, Truffaut, Chabrol, etc. … and Dario Argento was a critic before he started in the mooovies.

I think the universe finds its balance in Andrew McCarthy's wardrobe … the preppy look of that era is effortless and cool.

I love her style so much, but I have to say "no" when it comes to the Pretty in Pink prom dress. I'm still not sure what that was all about.

Ryan Reynolds was so, so, so bad in that remake. He had to know people were laughing at him.

I quite like Drive, but a portion of my admiration is attributed to that fucking amazing score/soundtrack. It's so incredible, I can't think of another recent movie in which the music and visuals have such a beautiful relationship.

I'm still kind of amazed that the kid who brought a gun to school and the kid who taped someone's butt cheeks together got the same punishment as the girl who skipped school to go shopping. Simpler times. Simple Minds.

Big fan of Le Tigre, but I don't know that This Island really deserves a milestone reissue. It's a fun record and all, but I would prefer a reissue of Loretta Lynn's Van Lear Rose from 2004.

Sorry to be picky, but Duck was caught trying to deftly defacate in Roger's office, which he had mistaken for Don's office.

Please for the love of god cast Adele Dazeem as Travolta's love interest.