I hate parking on Mass, I can usually find a spot somewhere on New Hampshire. I'll head down there after 5 and put up some "RESERVED FOR BUTTFUCK MCGEE" signs, so just don't park in front of any of those.
I hate parking on Mass, I can usually find a spot somewhere on New Hampshire. I'll head down there after 5 and put up some "RESERVED FOR BUTTFUCK MCGEE" signs, so just don't park in front of any of those.
Is it bad that I've lived in Lawrence over 11 years and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about?
Oh thank god, that song needs horns.
did he play "Holland, 1945"? That's my favorite one.
OH SHIT THAT'S TONIGHT! Thanks for reminding me.
I'm Buttfuck McG33, and I'm pretty sure I'm doing this wrong.
Thank you, that's one of my favorite things about B&B. People don't appreciate that show enough. Fucking philistines.
Thank you, that's one of my favorite things about B&B. People don't appreciate that show enough. Fucking philistines.
I wish I was clever enough to win one of these just so they'd have to say, "Last week's winner, Buttfuck_McGee, wrote . . ."
I wish I was clever enough to win one of these just so they'd have to say, "Last week's winner, Buttfuck_McGee, wrote . . ."
Dude you were my favorite character in Dynasty Warriors!
Dude you were my favorite character in Dynasty Warriors!
I propose that this arts funding is like a milking machine, and if we don't shut it down it's gonna RIP OUR DICKS RIGHT OFF!
I propose that this arts funding is like a milking machine, and if we don't shut it down it's gonna RIP OUR DICKS RIGHT OFF!
Alex, buddy, it sounds like you're mad at someone, but not Erin. You gotta let go of that anger or it will burn your butthole.
Alex, buddy, it sounds like you're mad at someone, but not Erin. You gotta let go of that anger or it will burn your butthole.
You're all nerds, and pussies to boot!
You're all nerds, and pussies to boot!