
don't worry, his other son is a pretty cool dude.

also you forgot to put The Mighty Ducks on your list.  It's also better than Rocky or Raging Bull.

more like Raging Bullshit.  "Uhhhh i'm Ragin Bull i'ma gain 50 lbs and go boxing AAH I GOT PUNCHED IN SLOMOTION."

Gary Busey's slow motion race to home at the end was a thing of beauty.

No, Tony Danza threw the last pitch in super-slo-mo, but the batter hit it, but Danza was like "Woah!" and caught it.

yeah, those movies all suck compared to Sandlot.  especially Rocky.  "Uhhhhh i'm Rocky i'ma gonna boxer oh no uuhhh i lost but i won in spirit."

it's because he doesn't see the man, he sees a scared little boy in black rubber . . . wait a tic . . .

It's because they think he and Darkwing Duck are the same bird.

"Prepare for ramming speed!"

I've been trying to figure out what the singular of "sheeple" would be.  Sheepson?  Persheepson?

either he doesn't know how to rhyme, or he pronounces "game" as "gamey".

you're trying too hard.

I didn't really think much of her until her Calvin and Hobbes remark, and now I think I might love her.

You're confusing a Tony nomination for a Grammy nomination.

This, boys and girls, is why knowing how to punctuate properly is important.

That doesn't make sense, coffee isn't a lie perpetuated by the Jew-run media.

shit, does this mean I finally need to watch this show?  I heard it was kinda funny, but I forget which website I heard that on . . .

pegging is when a girl buttfucks a guy with a strapon.  It doesn't count as pegging if it's two dudes, even two Lego dudes.

see, white zebras with black strips be cantering like this, but black zebras with white strips be cantering all like this.

No, your dad was just hoping if he told you that, you wouldn't start questioning those games of "Horsey" you two played when you were younger.