Demons Run

I'm not saying all liberals, but mainly liberal artists.

I'd say more gross oversimplication for the sake of making a joke/point then ignorance.

So everyone help out Ayn's estate and the publisher by buying the app. But wait, Ayn Rand doesn't want people relying on the help and assistance of others. Hmmm awkward.

So doesn't the existence of a $14.99 app exploiting Ayn Rand's ideas completely contradict the content and message of the book?

I'm cool with the dress and the sneakers. And she's kinda sorta cute. It's just that she (or her character) are an awful person that I'd rather not see or hear from.

I like to defend Burn Notice, and normally the finalies have enough action and plot to apologize for other things, but what the hell was this?

I watched all of Sports Night. And it was great in reruns as the only thing on at 2 am on Comedy Central. Compared to the Thighmaster commercials it was up against, it was brilliant.

I really want to meet their competing evil news network. (aka Sorkin's version of Fox News)

Yeah, I think I basically remember it the same way. Was basic fan knowledge that Head was in England, so I think we just shrugged off his absence.

So then go see an other movie at the same time as Shark Attack, Then leave during the credits to watch the credits here. 

The fun off beat episodes were not taken very well by the fans in the initial run. I think a lot of the hard core fans were so focused on the plot advancing or their favorite shippers that episodes later in the run of the show like Storyteller and Him were greeted with pitchforks and torches.