Rum Sodomy and the Lynch

"Somehow, the restriction provokes the need for liberty, the need of knowing about the world."

I believe it is actually

Yeah sam, maybe you should have looked him up on Wikipedia. Fassbender is Irish/German, not British. Phone him up and say sorry before he crushes you with an erect horse cock.

I love your beard. I want to go down on it

Yeah, its pretty hard to buy drugs in Manchester

Agreed. For shame Eakin. Semisonic were woefully pedestrian. My only thought on them is that I wish they had broken up before the dawn of recorded sound, so that their songs would not haunt the airwaves so.

I'd also be the first to admit that I have my regrets.

May I be the first to say…

Macc Lads references trump all in this thread


Best Val Kilmer comedy is Alexander.

What? You miss loose, shapeless vagina-hammocks?

Thought I would hate the Kids are All Right, and I loved it. Never been a fan of Annette Benning, but I think she might get an Oscar for her performance. She was shockingly good.

German film
I haven't seen this film, but I have seen Das Boot.

To be fair, the first episode of Walking Dead is brilliant at times. The whole idea of the father and son holed up in the house, looking out on the 'absent' mother was excellent, and is probably better as a premise than the whole series is as a TV show. Perhaps the rest of the series was just a let down in comparison,

Yes, walking dead was dog dick. The first episode was by far the best, after that I lost interest. Crappy action, dull dialog and soppy-assed blubbings instead of fully drawn supporting characters. Even the Zombies annoyed me - I can't help but be distracted by an over-acting Zombie.

Nothing beats the poignancy of 'First Pube', but 'First Blood' is the better of the latter-day Rambo dramas.

Asses to asses, spunk to spunky, we know Ted Haggards a junky

Paul Dano is The Mask

I'm no scholar, but I think the meaning of this tale is that all infidels should have sex with at least 73 virgins during their lifetimes, therefore proving that Islam is still not as good as Triscuits.