
One man's skull-hole inducing pain is another man's list of awesomeness.

I missed the joke at first. I thought you meant that all of Myers' post-World-War-II output was awful and almost broke my damn neck nodding in agreement.

Did someone say Horchata?

Coming soon…
Scanners re-directed by Michael Bay. Travolta vs. Cruz. Who's head will explode?

I'll never looooooose….
my Fu Manchu, my Fu Manchu

I lived in Park City for a year (back in the 90's) and remember hearing a statistic like it only has 18,000 residents but something like 50,000 hotel/rental beds. It is a TOURIST town, for sure. I actually liked it better in the summer. At the time, I worked in a gift shop on Main Street and used to eat at a little

Once, with no rehearsal
First, I want to say I enjoyed this movie. Touching, good songs, low-key in a good way, etc.

L.A.-based local folky Angela Correa sang Jenna's parts on that 'Duet' song if anybody cares. And, no, I don't work for her or anything - just a fan.