
This reviewer couldn't possibly have watched the episode.

Ferdinand getting all stompy on MK was not the Orphan Black I love; it was unnecessarily violent in its depiction and it used MK (a clone in a show about clones fighting not to be mere devices in others' plots) as a plot device. Very disappointing, OB, a real letdown and perversion of the basic theme of the show. I

I loved it.

My foster daughter was in a minimum security prison just like Litchfield. (This was many years ago and she had some issues that continue to plague her.) She both loves and has trouble watching OITNB. Especially troubling for her is Piscatella - she says he is spot-on to many of the COs she dealt with and I know of one

He joyfully skipped off to do Avatar sequel.

That EP is Dave Erickson, the addled captain of this drunken ship.

Nope - Travis, he gone to the Great Avatar Sequel in the sky. Lucky lucky Travis. Cliff Curtis be all like "bye suckahs!" to the other actors as he skips off to kiss his agent and use words in a blockbuster movie with James Cameron.

@ZZZ, I was taking a sip of coffee as I read your comment and it promptly spurted outta my nose. Thank you? 😂🤧

As to cheap reading glasses, many people have to use prescription reading glasses, including me. They're just as pricy as regular glasses and I treat mine just as carefully. I have two pair and even though I sat on one pair (i fell asleep reading and they got lost in the bed until I discovered them when I sat on them)

Agree 100% with @Lanen; Margaret would have confessed if she'd had to, but she was trying to find a way to save everyone. This show has admirably shown that women in this time had to be masters of manipulation to survive - and much of that holds true today (alas). I don't see Margaret as an antihero - she is a victim

She was in Masters of Sex on Showtime, playing a very different type of character (she was a manipulative villain), so much so that it took me until this episode to recognize her. She's that good.

She is the star and is amazing - I can't imagine another actor holding the center of this like she does.

Your sci-fi TV slate mirrors my household's to a "T," including your spot-on assessment of each show; they're all great for the exact reasons you give. "Colony" is, imo, the least "sci-fi" of the bunch - the alien invasion is a framing device for an excellent portrayal of what people, and families, do when resisting

Unfortunately, the ratings have been less-than-stellar. My fingers and toes are crossed …

Totally agree. It cracked me up. Not the reaction TWD was going for, I'm sure.


Raimy is so damn nasty to everyone that she's become quite unsympathetic and unlikable to me. Can't stay invested in her. Then her lame excuse for not answering the radio and leaving her dad swinging in the wind with a broken marriage was just … no. I'm out.

Hahaha! Was it me? 😊

Yup, agreed.

I was rolling! My IRL name is Gretchen and I don't wash my legs and have had that conversation between Jimmy and, as I call her, Othergretchen, almost word-for-word. I was instructed by a dermatologist in young adulthood to stop doing it immediately and to also not wash my arms - it's actually bad for your skin! Also