I liked Killam's Ted Cruz, but what are they going to do in two months if the nomination fight has come down to Cruz vs. Trump? Seems shortsighted. Nobody else could have done Cruz?
I liked Killam's Ted Cruz, but what are they going to do in two months if the nomination fight has come down to Cruz vs. Trump? Seems shortsighted. Nobody else could have done Cruz?
They must have been really short of material this week: in addition to the repeated commercial, that Greta van susteren sketch was clearly the runner-up to be the cold open. Notice Hemsworth wasn't in it, and that McKinnon trailed off at the very end (because she was originally supposed to say Live from new york).…
They used to do the same thing with Tracy Morgan 15 years ago. The host would do something to a bunch of cast members, then Morgan would scare him/her off.
Who's his rich father?
I'm starting to wonder if Mooney and Bennett have a three-year or four-year contract, and that's why they haven't been let go yet. The Good Neighbor guys did have a deal with Comedy Central before SNL; maybe they got a better deal because of it?
Two points on that tattoo:
1) anyone know what it says?
2) I know several women with that sort of block lettering over the heart tattoo, but no men. I assume it's Killam's real tattoo.
I did it as a child, seriously. Late 1980s, small town in the Great Plains.
At one point, they did mention selling "proprietary products."
That guy is 29! He was in an episode of Veronica Mars! He played a college student in Glory Daze FIVE years ago!
I love the Middle (probably my favorite show on right now), but as the show's gone on, I've come to realize that Frankie is a terrible person. Just awful. I assume Mike stays with her out of inertia.
I assume this won't be as much of a problem in future seasons, since Kevin Clash was forced out due to his… predilections (dude likes 'em young).
Oh, so it's about the NoZe Brotherhood at Baylor. They wear matching long-nose masks, and pull pranks like dropping thousands of ping pong balls from the ceiling during chapel. They've been around since the '20s. Rand Paul was allegedly a member.
You know, when I want someone to do some detailed economic modelling for me, I usually ask an electrical engineer.
They did? Who is it? Some unknown?
It's not clear how involved he was; they did some sporadic shows the last 18 months in-between Linkin Park tours, but he remained in Linkin Park.
Hey, if you never record a comedy album, you never have to reboot your act, man…
Belly got the cover of RS in 1995. It was, up until recently, the worst-selling issue of all time.
Weiland said in an interview a couple of weeks ago that Chester Bennington had quit STP because the paydays with Linkin Park were so much better. The Bennington STP was supposed to have an album out this fall, but that's probably off. I wonder if they'll wait a morally-appropriate amount of time, then find a new lead…
Just noticed this morning: SNL reruns are back in Comedy Central! All's right with the world!