
Is it a large office? Leslie only had six staffers to start.

He does, even if Fox hasn't aired it yet.

Because Mad Men is directly a show about the effects of white male privilege.

"None of those guys are prostitutes."

But hey, at least Garfield and Watson had a nice chemistry. I'm sure that will carry this franchise through the next three movies, right?

And yet…

This seems like a serious misstep for the show, but I'm not sure that the male gaze is much of a factor here. There was nothing sexy about that scene.

Nah, that ain't happening.

Wait, has Pegg ever directed anything? Do you mean Wright?

This just gives Disney the freedom to hit Chewbacca with a moon at any point in the story.

"Both" isn't an option?

Come on. Middle-brow pandering at its worst is something like Forrest Gump or A Beautiful Mind.

To be fair, it looks like America is meeting you halfway on that.

Whedon doesn't own Buffy. They could theoretically make a reboot without his involvement, though that's probably a terrible idea.

I only see this working if they flip if around and make it about an African-American man marrying the whitest woman in America and dealing with her family and friends.

It's Louisiana, so they probably explain it with a envelope full of cash.

Laugesen/Baltar 2016!

"Or at least a couple of seasons."

And unless I missed something, they weren't even all killed off.

@avclub-7b35a1122309e7451c5060ae86700961:disqus Oh, man…