
The composition of your "Hold the line" team also affects who is likely to die; if you don't have enough "tough" characters (Grunt, Garrus, Zaeed), your squishy characters (Tali, Mordin, others) are more likely to die.

At least the third one fixed the option by giving you an independent "Reputation" meter that was increased by both flavours.

The real oddity is that if you pick Zaeed as your team leader, the game doesn't just cut to an ending 5 months later, where he's sitting at a bar telling everyone about this time he blew up the Collector Base. He was the only survivor.

The man lost his target and was the only member of his team to return alive? And the damned fool actually went back to Ramsay?

I hope that's the case, and that they spend at least a little time digging into that in the flashbacks. It still clashes with Season 1's strong implications that Beth took out Chen on purpose, but I can accept that.

I think she was just imitating the overly blond hair that a number of the Neos tend to affect; I'm still not sure if she made the connection between the clones and Neos/Dyad.
Also, I'm wondering when the Maggie Chen/Proletheian connection is going to come up, unless that's being totally retconned.

Each guitar only has a certain truly outstanding music it can play, and Prince used all of them. When the solo was over, the instrument knew it was time to bow out.

Next season, Tatiana Maslany plays her most challenging role yet: the Fat Clone.

I can see it; if you think of someone as one identity for a while, it can be hard to flip the mental switch.

Maybe they're good in that universe.

I'm surprised his response wasn't "whoa, Midicholorians? Damn, you must be in a bad mood."

Honestly, Yo-Yo Mack would be fine, so long as their romance got a cello theme.

I liked the scene when the blue guys were using magic to dance around and throw rocks at the bad guys.

And one that he could replace with someone else from the Aussie White Dude actor factory without 9 out of 10 people noticing.

Given how she appeared present-day at the end of the episode, that seems unlikely.

It's apparently one of the more popular body-mods in real life. Some claim it helps them sense magnetic/electric fields.

Ben Affleck managed to avoid any semen incidents by informing Leto that
he would respond to any Joker-like pranks in a very Batman fashion.

I think the episode made it pretty clear that Karen wanted to prove that Frank wasn't a monster so she could feel less guilt about murdering Fisk's assistance last season.

She isn't?

The Jerle Shannara trilogy is pretty decent, from what I remember. The Word and Void prequels were also pretty good. Other than that, I'd skip it.