Only a C? I usually don't question reviews, I know everyone has a different opinion about certain things; but fuck you A+.
Only a C? I usually don't question reviews, I know everyone has a different opinion about certain things; but fuck you A+.
I approve of this.
I will watch that.
Bitching into oblivion.
A-? Am I the only person who hates the gay-whimsy of Moffat/Smith episodes? All the emotions feel forced, I never gave a shit about the family or the fate of the father (the ending was kind of predictable). I guess I hate how they turned Doctor Who's science into magic and the time travel doesn't follow the same rules…
I don't know, I mean if you play Skyrim almost constantly for 80 hours it starts to lose it's luster (Oh wait, that may be a plus). Can never be clean of quests, the quests keep coming *sob*.
I think it's referring to Cobra retaliating… but then wouldn't it be called Cobra:Retaliation? Maybe it's about the retaliation on the retaliation of the Cobra. Yeah, I think I found it.
The more I watch GI Joe, the more I like it. But the less you look at Channing Tatum the better; he's deep in uncanny valley like young Jeff Bridges in Tron 2.0.
What the fuck? Why do I want to see this so much? (Wooo, The Rock! and Bruce Motherfucking Willis!!)
Wow. I could probably do less shitty cover versions of rock songs. Still rollin', keep-a rollin'.