Ghost Deb would be way better than Ghost Harry.
Ghost Deb would be way better than Ghost Harry.
It still looks more plausible than The Following.
Also, I forgot how much I loved the Beacons of Journalistic Integrity asking Hallie to publish a story she didn't write under her byline. Yeah, there's nothing ethically amiss inside the NewsNight newsroom. (I'm sure Sorkin's answer is it wouldn't count, because it's just a blog. Nope.)
I think you need to wait until your girlfriend points it out on Skype during one of the biggest, busiest days for members of your profession.
I was hoping it was the musical. If there must be a third season, maybe we could drop all pretenses of actual realism and it can be Glee!Newsroom. The main cast is about as mature as high schoolers anyway, and the social commentary is about as deep.
I'd enjoy more of that too, but I don't see it has much to do with this show, which is filled with self-absorbed, self-righteous, arrogant, incompetent, hypocritical, rude and unpleasant people on a mission to civilize. I'll pass.
Yeah, especially since the whole Vogel as faux-mommy gig—Dexter actually HAD an adoptive mother, who Harry also kept totally out of the loop. I think we're still meant to believe that Harry just did the best he could with a bad situation and not that he (and Vogel) were incredibly fucked-up and had other…
If they cut all the dialogue/voiceover which was explaining something that had just happened, this season would be at least two full episodes shorter, right?
It certainly felt as ponderous as a series finale, but this is Sorkin. If it's not, I can only hope there's enough of a time jump that we don't have to see the surely hilarious hijinx that wold surround Mac planning a wedding.
Because women be crazy?
Despite the fact that you'd have to pay me an awful lot to watch 50 Shades of Gray, I was mildly pleased Matt Bomer was NOT cast, in part because I like him, and in part because he comes off as someone who has a sense of humor about himself, which strikes me as a far bigger obstacle to playing Christian Grey than hair…
I think it's also that I dislike the characters so much, and not in a lovable asshole kind of way. They almost are all such awful people that their "funniness" isn't fun. (And not in a way that's intentional. Greg House, at least in early seasons, is positioned as a certain kind of asshole—and fwiw, in world, I…
But. . .but. . .jokes about men taking showers together are laugh out loud funny!
I just wiki'd and I think I was actually thinking of Mary Tate, who wandered around taking notes for the sexual harrassment suit and then also negotiated with terrorists or something. And wanted in Matt Albie's pants, because Sexy Lady Lawyers working on sexual harrassment suits definitely try to sex up the key…
I think there was a whole episode of Studio 60 where a (Sexy Lady) lawyer wandered around at random, so I guess it's another Sorkin thing.
The actual ACN footage reminded me awfully of the sketches on Studio 60, in that they totally did not convince me I would prefer to watch these people compared to another network (and I pretty much loathe most television news), or possibly a blank wall. If they are supposed to be the best fucking journalists in the…
This show is now so dumb that when Deb asked Quinn if she could tell him something in confidence, it seriously crossed my mind she might out Dexter.
But. . .why is it ideal for a newsroom to be run like The Newsroom? What is ideal about it?
Yeah, I find prison rape jokes one of the lowest forms of humor, and I was pleasantly surprised by that exchange.
The Claudette Colvin/Rosa Parks story wasn't terribly on point, either. Although I may have missed something because I cringed so hard the moment Will opened his mouth to talk about Rosa Parks.