
It might have something to do with syndication too? The only mtv show I can recall seeing on another channel is maybe The Real World. So maybe MTV shows have to worry more about immediate profits, while shows that will be syndicated later on can be sold to their network for less, in anticipation of more money later

Unintentional transgender pun?

I actually have asthma, and until this moment never had a desire to go scuba diving. Is that really something that stops you from doing it?

Isn't the whole reason behind castrating the Unsullied so they won't be distracted by sexuality and will be better warriors? Seems unlikely they'd leave the pillar in that case.

Willow is da bomb

Parks & Rec wasn't cancelled, I think next year is the last though.

I wouldn't assume things from one show would carry over into another, unrelated show.

My little brother and I used to watch that all the time. As I recall the vhs had a preview for that crappy Fantastic Four movie that was never released. Mostly the only other thing I remember is the kid playing a Game Gear to control a fight going on around him. I was young enough that it made me want a Game Gear

I kind of think they wasted her on Parks and Rec. She did just fine, but it was a weakly written character that could have been played by just about anyone.

I will be very interested to see the predictions they make about the
future next season. I can imagine Ben in 2017 discussing rumors about
Winds of Winter almost being done.

I think Cosima actually really does need glasses. It is one of the ways
they show the effect of upbringing vs. genetics. I don't really know
enough about eyes to hypothesize what factors would affect them, but
there are definitely cases of identical twins where one needs glasses
and the other one doesn't.

Shut up Leonard, I know about your crooked wang.

Any books you buy through Amazon are associated with your account, so you can download them again to a different kindle or phone or whatever. I don't know what the DRM is like at other stores though.

As long as it still enjoys a good piece of wood

Another, who seemed to be Somali, was pointing and laughing at me
from a car. After looking around I asked him who he was talking to. His
response: "You, motherf*cker. I'm gon' find you. I'm comin' to your
house, motherf*cker.

My guidance counselor got the (incorrect) idea somewhere that I was living on my own senior year.  I was never quite sure if he thought I was an orphan or an emancipated minor or what.  He used to stop my friends in the hall and ask them to look out for me since I was all on my own. 

It occurred to me that if that show was made 20 years later than it was, he wouldn't have even been considered "the fat kid".

It occurred to me that if that show was made 20 years later than it was, he wouldn't have even been considered "the fat kid".

If you ever do watch it, keep an eye out at the end of the movie right before the credits, there is a guy in the bleachers with his junk out.