
I believe so, rationalist.

I watched a lot of Days of Our Lives during I the mid-90s. The story arc involving Marlena getting possessed by the devil was pretty terrific.

In the movie Hank=Donna, but I didn't get that from the book.

I haven't picked up the second one yet, but really enjoyed the first one. You can probably find it for 10-15 bucks used and it's well worth it. Be prepared to endure a crippling case of "DS Neck" though, because it's really easy to get sucked into playing longer than you think you are.

Oopsie doodle, forgot the link:

Great PC Game Sale
Right now IGN's download service is have a crazy sale on some really good PC games. To celebrate their 5th anniversary, throughout September they are selling a new group of games each week for 5 dollars each. Actual great games are available, such as Bioshock andCiv4. Definitely worth checking out.

I know I did.

I think that Danielle's constant is a music box. She shows it to Sayid when they first meet (he fixes it-natch), and mentions that she has had it since she was a little girl, and that it had "given her great comfort" or something like that.

Fun Fact
The pudding scheme Barry uses to get all those frequent flier miles actually happened.