
Me too.

I REALLY like Dax and Worf as a couple.  I thought it made sense for both of them given their positions and interests in life. Compare it, for example, to Worf and Troi.  (On second thought, don't.)

I liked Corinne as well.  But it seems she missed a huge opportunity here. She has a secret alliance of either five or six players and Phillip suggests that his alliance split their votes. This was tailor-made for her to agree to a split vote and then use her alliance to knock off Phillip. But she wanted to get rid of

When Netflix started carrying DS9, "To the Death" was one of the first episodes I watched.  It's a nice little bit of coolness and famously our introduction to the great Weyoun.

Kind of like when Kirk is fighting Finney in Court Martial. Finney is thrown into a corner where there just happens to be a BIGASS FUCKIN' WRENCH for him to swing at Kirk.  It's the only tool on the whole engineering deck and is a complete anachronism.

I absolutely despise the episode with the Doctor's fake family because in order to teach the Doctor empathy, [SPOILERS] they kill off his daughter, forcing him to go through the most horrific nightmare any parent can imagine. Anyway you look at it, it's a horribly cruel and unnecessary lesson that could have been done

Zack, stay away from spoilers about this. Seriously, it will ruin things.  Awesome things.

At some point near the end of DS9's run, I asked my wife which location she would visit if we could go to the Star Trek universe. To my delight, she gave the same answer I would have: Sisko's restaurant.