
I thought Maggie killed him?

Haha, brilliant!

You're absolutely right. But I think Brian Geraghty would have worked better as Bugsy Siegel.

Was watching this today and wondered if anyone else noticed that the hottie Frank brings in had appeared on the show before as one of the girls auditioning for the Billboard in that earlier (season 4?) episode?

OMG YES!!!! Thankyou.

OMG YES!!!! Thankyou.

And also when the trap-door releases.

Just re-watched this one (enjoyed it immensely) and wondered who else noticed that at the bit when Frank uses Charlie as a human shield and then climbs the short ladder, it isn't actually Frank but is instead a stunt double (and possibly a woman?)?

Dr. Horn receives the award for most underwhelming entrance onto a tv show.

Fancy squashing the beef?

Downvoted for being the worst.

Don't swing that way bud.

Oh Gawd…the Following…

One more gripe that's been brewing inside me all season…I believe the Governor rallied pretty much all of the able bodied men and women of Woodbury who could wield a gun to attack the prison at the end of last season. Those who did not die in the assault were then slaughtered by him. HOW, then, do we find such a

Just how hard is it to stab zombies in the head through a chain-link fence? Because the cast of TWD certainly make it look like grueling work. One decent session and you would hope to have most of them incapacitated.

Who even are you? Or rather, Whovian are you? You don't belong on this page…pray keep your troll accusations to yourself. You gotta pay the troll toll…

I do not.

Revolution. It's so bad it's good.

Preview shows Gaston Means spilling the beans on someone…guess who?

I too would love this to happen…all the big shots dying in cells or of old age just isn't exciting. Show us someone whacking Hoover, Torrio actually biting the dust or Gaston Means doing his sexy dance.