

I'm most glad to hear that! Sometimes "all over the place" is a good thing :).

This proves you should always trust your instincts when it comes to wrestling and poetry, Eric.

I suppose the signs truly have been there all along?

…has anyone ever seen them in the same room before?

No need to be alarmed, Gus. We come bearing poutine and health care.

This is undoubtedly as good a time as any to come clean and reveal that I am actually Pulp.

Next time, don't give me your best material, kiddo.

HA! Sucker.

Only if you agree to represent us in ice dancing, twinkletoes.

All I know is that you should consider representing our nation at the next Olympics in the diving category.

Don't worry, I still plan on continuing my mistressing as well. I'm sure he can accommodate both of us.

Things That Happened At Anniesboobs’ Wedding:
- It was actually pretty cold and rainy all day and all night. Apparently that’s good luck, so the bride and groom were okay with it, “so long as it doesn’t affect the open bar.” (That’s a quote from AB, of course.)
- The priest sang “Honey, I’m Good” during the ceremony

Hey there, Quirky! I'm well! How are you doing?

Happy Birthday, Stephen! Have a good one!

I have some concerns my cat may destroy it, but I WANT THAT.

Please do! Perhaps you'll have more luck than I - it says the site is at maximum capacity for games right now, oddly.

Would you perhaps care to play CAH? There are some people in the chatroom who are up for a game.