
This week's episode…
Are we getting a recap today? Or was Josh too mindblown by things finally kicking into gear?

Tom's wife is being kind of a dick about this. I mean, their family lost all their money. Let the guy sell the damn lake house.

That's my theory too. I'm pretty sure that's why they haven't shown the flash forwards with dates lately because it's an additional three months or so, and that's all going to be next season's finale. Because there's a lot to tie up.

That was Ellen's purse - the one with Winstone's prints on it.

Theory: she's going to remain a pawn used by Ellen and Patty until Ellen decides she wants to come back to Hewes and… well it won't be Shayes anymore because he'll be dead, but anyway, Patty will fire Alex and then Alex will do some revenge next season (assuming there is one). Or she'll kill herself in Patty's

I thought Jim's reaction to the male lactation specialist was over the top until I spoke to my boyfriend at commercial and he told me that if I have a male lactation specialist one day, he'll respond the exact same way and could quite possibly piss on me in a territorial act. So I buy it.

No one ever seems overly concerned when people pop up dead on this show. The police never seem to be investigating anyone for the mysterious murders of people related to well publicized legal cases.

By the way, anyone saying "I want you inside me" to Martin Short immediately sounds insane creepy and wrong.

Haha, I saw Shutter Island immediately before going home to watch the episode. Between the two of them, I had some wonky dreams last night.

Well there goes my theory…
…that Joe's affair with Danielle was just that - an affair. Apparently Joe told his wife the truth. A Damages first!

OH and that Danielle and Joe's affair was only a year ago (right? That's what she said in the last episode, correct?)

^ truth.

Joe being followed reminded me a lot of Greg Malina being followed in the first season. It's supposed to make us think that he's going to be killed, but really they're going to toss him in a van and take him to Mexico (or rehab or to Louis's house for dad to smack son around or whatever, in Joe's case).

Joe and Danielle
Definitely an affair, since they cut to the kid immediately after Joe said they dated before he met the wife, and that kid is about 10 years old. Joe lied.

Of course this is all colored by my naive hope that it will finally become a hit and actually get a Season 4.

Live, Tom! Live!
Is it so wrong that I want the big twist at the end to be that Tom's a really good death faker or has a twin brother? He's probably my favorite character, and while that will make this season incredible, I can't help but look to the future.

Choosing ducks over rabbits was definitely another Buffy reference. I like to think that they said rabbits, not bunnies, to keep it subtle and make room in their less-than-subtle account for goofy CGI.

I thought he said in S4 Tony and Stella's was the most romantic? It's possible I'm making things up though.

And a quick re-read shows that yes, someone else noticed and her name is Donna. I'm illiterate.

Anyone else notice…
The "Lorenzo von Matterhorn is not a jerk" site listed in the Google search? Excellent touch.