
Donna doesn’t make mistakes!

I haaaaaaaaate this show!!!!
My gosh! Can no-one else see this is just trying to copy the success of Psych and get in on that market. Psych makes me laugh out loud and all my friends plus its really clever and original, but this show is quite simply awful!
I can safely say I was straight faced throughout and after

I'm, confused Fox is neither fair or balanced…. oh yeah, I get it!
To, fastandsloppy (I think I just pucked writing your username) I would say BBC is fair and balanced! In fact is definitely is. It's not difficult at all to be fair or balanced, just tell the truth!!! I wonder, do Fox News do that?

I'm, confused Fox is neither fair or balanced…. oh yeah, I get it!
To, fastandsloppy (I think I just pucked writing your username) I would say BBC is fair and balanced! In fact is definitely is. It's not difficult at all to be fair or balanced, just tell the truth!!! I wonder, do Fox News do that?

Yep! I remember that! But I couldn't just put my finger on what the plan was… just itching at the back of my head. Because I couldn't remember I just assumed another guy, but they have always found ways around this because the email (or in my mind it was another guy) would have to have regular contact, it would not be

I agree with absolutely everything in this article!!!! I saw soo much potential in this show from the pilot. And i have watch this show with a straight face for, well, a very long time now! I wanted it to be good but the level of the jokes are poor, and have NEVER got developed! The same *do a funny accent and make a