Mine are when old classic rock guys have obviously died hair, shitty facial hair, ed Hardy-esque clothing and when they insist on fitting into leather pants
I encourage looking up a recent band photo of Styx, which checks all thesec
Mine are when old classic rock guys have obviously died hair, shitty facial hair, ed Hardy-esque clothing and when they insist on fitting into leather pants
I encourage looking up a recent band photo of Styx, which checks all thesec
Are you Louise Mensch?
It's on the level of mediocre local bands I see all the time
The following statement is based in part because i don't really care for R.E.M., but Corin Tucker is SO MUCH COOLER than all this
It's incredible so many CHUDs see this guy as some sort of alpha male when he NEVER STOPS BITCHING ABOUT EVERYTHING
Same. I first heard Thrift Shop on KEXP and thought, this is going to blow up. Same with Lorde's Royals
How many of those people do you think were sailing boats to Dunkirk
Hey now!
Wtf are you his dumbshit PR guy?
Dude YES. Phrazes has some incredible songs
Ryan Adams sucks ass. His jokes are as mediocre as his music
At the top of the Empire State Building
Cum Town is the best podcast in the world
Totally. Why wouldn't every huge touring act cancel a world tour after one show and bank millions of insurance? This is weird
More like Thomas Putz IMO
Big, shit smeared ass
Aunt May?
I recently watched it for the first time in many years and halfway thru my friend and I looked at each other and were both like "this movie is actually…really good?"
Yep. The concept and execution is mostly there but the effects are rough.