Anyone seen my shoe?
Anyone seen my shoe?
Rereading now, knowing it *is* sarcastic (as opposed to reading it staring gap-jawed at the screen in horror and disbelief), I find it very funny.
Thank god. I was starting to feel like the loser in the school cafeteria who doesn't get what the cool kids are all laughing about.
This *was* a joke, right?
That was completely sarcastic, right?
Almond Dish
Best thread here. Well done. You guys deserve a hundred grand each.
V. sucked. And every time I tell someone I loved Infinite Jest, they invariably suggest V. Why? Fuck you Pynchon!!!
I've always felt Broom was a pretty good intro-read for non DFW fans. Also, Brief Interviews is pretty fun. Do NOT give anyone Oblivion until they've read at least three (3) of his works first.
I *love* Old Boy and re-watched it with my g/f who figured out the twist very early on (lot better than I did) and hence found the movie boring and predictable. Bummer.
Band: Aksharaslokam
Album: opening my mind to it
You're right, I should've read more carefully. Still fucking insane though…
Is he just randomly switching between first and third person in that press release? Is he using the plural "our" in the regal sense? This is totally fucking insane.
In the Bill O'Reilly only video, you can hear an extra 'fuck this!' at the very end as he throws a pen and storms off the set. That was my favorite part but they cut it out of the mash up :(
Even Family Guy got in on this…
I'm sorry - I dropped a peanut M&M!