
Yes, I think I agree with you, altho I didn't miss the computer stuff because I didn't finish the book. They got the broad strokes of alternate histories and paranoia but made it too literal. I thought Owen Wilson was fine except that it just made the first part of the movie feel even more Wes Anderson-y and kind of


Aww crap. I didn't even finish the book because I wasn't into it. Maybe I should see Predestination instead. Now if they made a movie of Against the Day? I'd be there in a heartbeat, no matter what the reviews.

Oh, geez, I'm glad I didn't stay up late last night to watch it after work. I plan on heading out this afternoon. The SF Chronicle reviewer didn't like it so I figured I would love it.

Well, that's my Saturday sorted.

Hey, do you know if that Mollie Stone's in Forest Hill used to be a Tower Records or was it something else named Tower? I saw it for the first time from the bus last night.

What did your parents think?

Nice one! My first listen to The Specials was a kid at school handing me his headphones and saying, "You gotta hear this!" Thanks, Tim.

Culture Club's Colour by Numbers…bought with a gift certificate I won at a talent show. My mime act killed.

Why is ignorant crap constantly pushed on comment boards? Shame on you.

I was tempted by I, Frankenstein last night on Netflix but thought it might be a little rough for the kiddo. Maybe not the best use of my time but it sounds like a nice no-brainer.

Thanks for the rec! I'll check it out. I am sorely under-read on Solnit. I've heard her speak, I admire her work, and yet…ok that's 2015 sorted: Mike Leigh and Rebecca Solnit.

Yeah, I don't want the seas to rise but it would be kind of cool. My place would be under water so should start building a houseboat.

Too jealous to upvote but happy for you. :-)

Riot Grrls and Transit Maps

Oooh, I am glad you finally got the vinyl and I guess I'm glad I didn't know about his Kickstarter so I didn't go through that disappointment. I love his voice but only have the one EP.

We watched Rainbow Rocks this weekend, too. Some of the songs are catchy and definitely better than most kids' shows. Also watched The Pirate Fairy, one of the Tinkerbell movies, and it had a great, rollicking pirate song. Maybe it's the Lasseter touch, maybe it's the women behind the movie, it was actually

What were the trailers?

I want to see Dustin Hoffman and Judi Dench in the same scene! I thought it was an old movie when I first read it and am still curious knowing it came out this year but the contrast might be softened a bit.

So can you imagine reading all six volumes of Knausgaard? He's coming to speak here, in conversation with Daniel Handler, of all people, and a friend and I are using that to spur us on to finally reading him. Will begin in the next couple of weeks.