
I was hoping the episode would pick up the pace and not just be about the family bicycle making it to the airport or not. By Damages standards it was probably the worst episode in the series. But its still better than anything after Season 2 for Nip/Tuck!

Here I thought it was Mason Storm the Steven Seagal character from "Hard to Kill".

I think the ash means that Smokey can't pass through it. It was never broken. Smokey just broke some rocks and crushed the guy that way. Plus they were laying Ash down at the temple. Seems simple enough unless I'm missing something.

whoops need to add an extra "0"

I dont get it
Those numbers seem low. No pun intended. You would think "Yeah" nationwide was played more than 416,00 times. And don't sass me with the exact number being more you hipster irritant.

The bell-ringing scene in the dessert shack.

So heartbreakin, like loving a whore, might hurt you once, but never no more

American Idol is for sissies anyways

They had a drummer. The Range rolled deep. They also had a nice rock solid pianist.

Fact Check
Maybe somebody already pointed this out, but the sample was actually "The Way It Is" by Bruce Hornsby. It was from the splendid 1986 album which featured that title track, 'Mandolin Rain", and "Every Little Kiss". It was arguably the greatest album of the fall of 1986.

Thank You AV Club
That was the highlight of my day.

Top 10
Wow, you really can't argue with the Top 10. I'd move Arrested Development to #2 and move The Shield up a few places, but why nitpick. Way to go AV Club! You make me feel smarter for reading you. That and I have no life.

Stop being a pussy me

They weren't horrible…
You gotta admit "Vacation" and "Pump" were good. Of course they totally undid all the good they created with "Amazing", "Crying","Crazy" and that fucking Armageddon song. I bought my girlfriend at the time that soundtrack. 3 weeks later she dumped me…coincidence?? Shit No. Thanks for

I would have killed that fucking kid.

Don't Look At Me Like Football

Best Song
I was walking with a…

I was walking with a…
I wish they were the Dirty Projector girls