Manic Mailman

Was it Alan Trammell?

Was it Alan Trammell?

What is the whole mirror thing a reference to?

What is the whole mirror thing a reference to?

I thought the episode was basically a train wreck as Renner is a good actor and likable but it's pretty apparent why, as he said in his monologue, that he hasn't done much comedy. The morgue sketch and cool drones were the only funny parts, and they came in the last 15 minutes of the show.

I thought the episode was basically a train wreck as Renner is a good actor and likable but it's pretty apparent why, as he said in his monologue, that he hasn't done much comedy. The morgue sketch and cool drones were the only funny parts, and they came in the last 15 minutes of the show.

Ann you beautiful, naive, sophisticated, newborn baby.

Ann you beautiful, naive, sophisticated, newborn baby.

that's not a question, professor.

that's not a question, professor.

B+? Man, that was about as hard as I have ever laughed at a 30 Rock episode, all of the quotes above this post are tremendous and there are still plenty left over.

B+? Man, that was about as hard as I have ever laughed at a 30 Rock episode, all of the quotes above this post are tremendous and there are still plenty left over.

The fact that they went so far with the car sound effect is what made it work for me.

The fact that they went so far with the car sound effect is what made it work for me.

And by far my favorite.

And by far my favorite.

let that be a wakeup call

let that be a wakeup call

Yeah, they should be more like Two and a Half Men and have real character development!

Yeah, they should be more like Two and a Half Men and have real character development!